I must say that the most heart pounding thing I experience in ministry is serving communion. I look at everyone’s hands. It is truly remarkable when you think of all the stories. I see young hands, old hands, smooth hands, dirty hands, tatooed hands, arthritic hands, deformed hands, and hands of different colors. It’s amazing to see people’s faces. Some have received communion a thousand times, but they still approach with anticipation. Some come because the person next to them came and that’s all they knew to do. Some come feeling unworthy and nervous. Others come as if to say,”That’s my Jesus who died for me!” I always get a lump in my throat and if there ever comes a time when I don’t then I would expect myself to hand my element to someone else. I also always feel unworthy, and I hope that never changes. Maybe that’s just me. The worship was great today with God’s presence all around. People continue to return from summer vacation and attendance has picked up.
We had almost 20 at youth tonight which is a great start. I was praying we’d start out with at least 10. We almost finished painting the youth center tonight. It just needs a few touchups. I am excited to get it finished and decorated. Until it is, I’m not sure I’ll feel like I’ve really started yet. I think it is going to be a place where we make many great memories. Before too long, I’ll need to turn on the heat.
As for the family, Drake has 2 teeth and is as cute as ever. The girls’ 4th birthday is next Sunday so we’re trying to make this a special week. They both want to go to Chuck E. Cheese and watch the My Little Pony movie. I think I can handle that. Sunday’s are especially long. I’m at the church at 7 am and usually get home around 9:30 pm. It’s cool because that’s the only long day we have because we’re not doing anything on Wednesday nights. I had a long talk with the pastor yesterday and he is giving me a lot of freedom in scheduling the Sunday night youth meetings, FUEL. We have a great working relationship and I actually look forward to staff meetings. Mainly, because we have a very relaxed dress code. Of course, it was 60 today so shorts’ season may be over. Now, where did I put my Cowboy’s jersey?
i hope its not a tony homo jersey lol
Andrew Turner
I’ve always felt that communion is special too. One thing I’ve been thinking about a bit is how often to have communion. In the Wesleyan church, you’re required to serve it at least once a quarter. In the church I am attending now, it’s given every Sunday, but we just pick up the elements from a table. I think there is something special in being served the elements, and I think there is a danger of taking communion for granted when it is served every week. Not to say that it isn’t good, it just has a danger of complacency. One final thought, I had a professor in college who thought that communion should be taken in celebration. Knowing that Christ died for us and His sacrifice is represented in communion, that His death has paid our penalty…Now THAT is worth celebrating.
Jonathan Schmutz