Today is the first day of summer vacation. My girls just finished second grade. I know there’s an age where “sleeping in” becomes the cool thing to do, but I guess my kids aren’t concerned with being cool. They were up at the usual time of 6:50 am this morning. And so, for the first of 100o times this summer, I got up and put a movie on for them and tried to keep their decibel level down since my wife is in bed sick. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t want to waste the summer. I want to invest in my kids and prepare the girls for 3rd grade. I’m thankful for their great teacher who kept us in the loop with the things they struggled with. Is it weird that twins struggled with the exact same things? In a few weeks we’ll head off to youth camp in NC and one of my goals if for us to learn Spanish this summer. I’m sure we’ll get to it later. Today, however, I wanted to sleep in. That’s one thing I don’t like procrastinating about.
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