Two guys I admire are Michael Hyatt and Tony Morgan. Their blogs are two of the best you will find. I get them delivered to my inbox daily(you can get this blog delivered to your inbox by filling out the subscribe form on the top right). They both have great insights on ministry, leadership, and blogging.
Today, Michael has a post called “Who Else Needs More Mental Focus?” Print it out. Put it in your desk. It’s a wonderfully insightful post.
Tony writes about “3 Reasons Your Church is Stuck.” All 3 points were exactly what I needed to hear today. Tony has written several books and I recommend them all. He wrote Simply Strategic Volunteers: Empowering People For Ministry, Simply Strategic Volunteers: Empowering People For Ministry
, and Simply Strategic Stuff: Help for Leaders Drowning in the Details of Running a Church
with Tim Stevens whose Leading Smart blog is another must read. Killing Cockroaches: And Other Scattered Musings on Leadership is an encouraging book with many of Tony’s personal leadership experiences in it.
Some time ago a friend lead me to Michael’s blog. I’ve been reading a lot of his Leadership Blogs. I love them.
I’ll be looking into Tony’s as well.