I’ll be honest. I don’t know that I necessarily have anything important to say, but it is 3:34 am and I can’t sleep. I started getting a head cold on Saturday and have felt kinda yucky all weekend. There’s a busy week ahead with our grand re-opening of our youth center on Friday night. The floor needs to be painted and the room needs to be decorated. I have an idea of the look I’m trying to achieve so it’s exciting. I’m hoping I can get all of this done so I can play golf on Thursday. I am addicted to this game once again and found a nice cheap set and putter the other day that I’m interested in. My problem is I’m terrible and am just getting used to my clubs again. My putting has been tremendous, but it’s the other 80 or so shots that kill my score. I started hitting the ball better than I ever have at the end of my last round so I’m anxious to get out. I will probably always be the worst Wesleyan pastor golfer on the planet. The last time we played threw off my whole schedule for the week so we’ll see how the week plays off.
My fantasy football teams are terrible. Clemson and the Dallas Cowboys are doing well. You would have thought the Eagles cured cancer or won the Super Bowl to hear people talk about their blowout against the Lions today. The Red Sox are making me nervous even though they clinched a playoff spot. I got a great plumbing lesson this weekend. Don’t be the one holding the pipe when the clog gets fixed!
I think I know what’s keeping me up. It might be the realization that the way I’ve done youth ministry for the past 10 years won’t work at my new church. I am becoming more organized as a Wesleyan pastor and recruiting more help so that’s not what I’m talking about. The kids are great, but are in a completely different spiritual place than my group before. It is going to be a challenge, but I have felt a real connection with the group here. As a matter of fact, I got to baptize my sister in law and one of the senior girls today! So, God is doing awesome stuff. I’m just trying to find my niche in His plan here. It is a great matter of prayer as I want to reach these kids with the gospel on their level. To be honest, I think I’m worrying too much about logistics when it’s all about relationships. Making sure these kids connect with Christ, each other, and an adult leader is my top priority. We’ll see what God does in their lives. Let you know in 10 or so years.