Unless you only watch the Outdoor channel and Spike then by now you’ve heard of the woman who recently had 8 children(all by invitro) in California. These go along with the other 6 children(again, all by invitro) that she already had. Well, if you hadn’t had enough of wacky parent news this week then check out this article about a British couple(13 and 15) who recently had a baby. I don’t even think I had gone to the hospital to see someone else’s baby at that age. The boy was 12 when his girlfriend got pregnant. Dude, when I was 12 I was trying to make sure I had all the GI JOE figures and vehicles collected. I can’t tell you how many people I know who have gotten pregnant their first time together. Now, I realize that some people that claim this are not telling the truth and are just trying to cover for their extended promiscuity. “I can’t believe we got pregnant. We only had sex.” Do they even teach kids in Sex Ed that you can get pregnant by having sex? Today, you can even have 14 kids WITHOUT having sex. I haven’t even touched on the number of teens walking around with STD’s. Am I going to have to make every boy who wants to date my daughters wait a few days for me to get the lab results from their urine sample? Unless they call a man husband or Doctor, he does not need to be checking them out. So, if you’re a parent or mentor then you need to teach your kids why and how to 1. Guard their heart, 2. Keep their clothes on, and 3. Treat everything and everyone like they belong to God. I know that’s not an extensive list, but until I see parents who raise virgins on the cover of magazines instead of parents who raise hell then there is work to be done. Lastly, wouldn’t it be awesome if the church stepped up and said,”Hey, we’ll help raise and pay for these kids.” The day we stopped taking care of widows and orphans in this country is the day the federal government assumed our God-given role. Now, we can’t seem to get it back. Of course there are plenty of parents who are more concerned with the fate of Britney Spears’ kids than their own. Now, I don’t agree with Roland Martin very often on political issues, but his commentary on Valentine’s Day and marriage are spot on. Let’s do things in this order: Love, Marriage, Sex, Children instead of Sex, Children, Marriage, Divorce. Well, now that my little rant is over, enjoy your weekend.
Good job Heath…I agree wholeheartedly…at 12 I was still playing with Barbies!
I would even be careful about letting men called Doctor check out your daughters… never know in this day and age.. make sure it’s someone you trust.
PS: I wish I could have come and seen y’all. Truly, I miss you all 🙂 I’m leaving next monday (feb 23rd). Love you!