In 24 hours, a dream becomes reality. What started out as an unsure yearning has now become bits, bytes, html, php, and I am in car today with some dear friends on our way to see U2 in Atlanta. That’s a five hour drive for us…one way. Along the way, we will be picking up a Roady name Palmer who will be joining us for this 20 hour Epic. I am excited to experience my second U2 show, but I’m more excited to announce that at 9 am tomorrow….It has been a whirlwind the last few weeks and the next few even more so. Please be in prayer for the following.
1. That Chase Your Lion dot com will help people discover and pursue their purpose, passion, and possibiliites.
2. For Revival Services at Liberty Wesleyan Church(NC West Edition) on October 18-21 that I will be speaking at. Pray for a Revolution of hearts and minds.
3. Pray for widsom and strength as I have some amazing opportunities at the NC East Fall Rally and Love/Mercy. I’m really excited about some Love/Mercy doors that have opened up.
4. Pray for Denton Wesleyan. God is moving and it is causing people to squirm and feel uncomfortable.
5. Pray for my wife, Karen, and our 3 kids, Milena, Charis, and Drake. I have spent many late nights recently working on the new site. I haven’t been this passionate about a project in a long time. It feels good, but pray that, now that the site is up, the laptop won’t be a fixture on the kitchen table anymore.