First, thanks to those who suggested movies. I didn’t watch any of them. Comcast cable has free movies so I hit up a few of those. One I watched was the Fisher King with Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges. It was the movie I watched whenever I was bummed out in high school. I really love it. Me and my bud, Rusty Teasley, used to quote it all the time. We were the only ones who liked it so the quotes were just between us. “I like New York in June, how about YOU?” It’s a movie about redemption and how acts of kindness should not be done just to make ourselves feel better, but to actually benefit those we are helping and to make them happy. Well, I just realized that Survivor is a recap show tonight so I’m going back downstairs to play Madden. I was halfway through a season when the system locked up before I saved so I started over. Can I just say that they never should have made sequels to Smokey and the Bandit. Sadly, I watched those this morning. Oh well, the Cowboys won and the Puseys treated me to a feast today. Drake is feeling better, my family is having fun in Ohio, and I’ve got plenty of movies to choose from tonight. I am thankful for friends, family, salvation, grace, healing, gifts, opportunity, God’s provision, oxygen, and a stocked kitchen. By the way, Zorro(my dog) has horrible gas. This was even before I shared some turkey with him. Hope you’re all healthy, happy, and safe today. If you’re going to be at SetApart then you need to be there when we have our annual 5 star posse hotel hangout on the last night. It’s whoever I happen to run into on my way back to the room after curfew. Last time, it was me, Matt LeRoy, Ryan East, Mark Benjamin, and Tim Kirkpatrick. There were a few other guys. There has to be a LeRoy present. This is when the stories are told and Camp Heath shows up. It is a fun time. Speaking of camp, I get to do games at Penn-jersey camp next year. I’m excited. Now, I just gotta find a sand bucket.
Heath i only hope that i’m lucky enough to be part of any posse with you…. sadly the only one that i can think of is the ” random people who watched wrestling pay-per-views at clark and heath’s posse”….