Last week I posted about our new Accountability Group. I heard a guy say last month that people who publicily announce their goals seldom reach them because talking about it makes them feel good enough not to follow through. Here’s the low down:
1. I’ve been reading James 1 this week, over and over. Here’s James 1: 2-4
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
This has been a week of trials. I awoke Monday morning to discover that my other blog had been hacked. I hadn’t backed up my data in a while so it appears I will have to start from scratch. This was a set back because of the time it took to secure that site and all the others I am hosting. I am finding that the things you haven’t budgeting time for are the things that take the most time. The trials of this week follow a great Sunday at Oakway Wesleyan and an amazing Trunk or Treat on Sunday night. We partnered with two other local churches to minister to 2,000 people with 53 cars supplying the candy. What a great night! I should have expected Satan to come at me hard this week. I am sad to report the following.
2. My diet has been horrible this week. Too much fast food and more soda in this one week than the entire past year combined(consider that I gave it up last year). My weight stands at 205 and I did zero walking this week. I could make excuses all day long. I am not discouraged because through it all God has been with me and I know he want me to be “mature and complete.”
3. Date night this weekend with my wife. Excited to spend some time with her!
4. Sabbath on Saturday. This will include cutting the grass which means listening to some of my favorite worship music and podcasts. A welcome break from the typical day. Is it weird that I love cutting the grass(and folding laundry)? What’s wrong with me?
5. I got a lot of church work done. Finished some down the road sermon preparation and upgraded the website. I am also looking forward to our partnership with Dot’s Kitchen, a local soup kitchen. We will be using the church van to pick up people in the community who need a hot meal, but have no way to get to Dot’s
There were parts of this week where I felt victorious and others where I felt defeated. I’m gonna to enjoy my Sabbath and date night tomorrow and get rested up for Sunday. Tomorrow is a new day full of amazing possibilities. How about you? Did you exercise consistently this week? What about your diet? Did you spend quality time in God’s word and have a day of rest? We’re all in this together.