Well, Monday and Tuesday I walked/ran around 3 miles. Then Wednesday came, and I quickly discovered that it will have to be my rest day as it is the busiest day of the week for me. Yesterday was Karen’s birthday and after taking the girls to school I returned home and immediately…fell asleep. I don’t know what happened. I woke up around 11 and we went and got her some running gear for her ipod, and saw the new movie, “Duplicity”, last night. Hopefully, it was a good bday for her as I presented her with a signed, notarized contract saying that I will train for and participate in a half marathon on June 6. So, due to me not feeling well, a busy day, plus rain I did not train yesterday. Then I woke up today looking forward to a free day with the kids who are out of school. Same thing as yesterday. Woke up, fixed breakfast, fell on the couch and slept until 11. My head is about to explode and I don’t know if I took drowsy medicine by mistake, my body did not like running/walking, or if I really have a bug. Needless to say, I will walk this afternoon because I fear if I don’t that I will never get over the hump. Had a major breakthrough in some prayer things the other day. I had been praying specifically for a vision and God just layed it out there that some things I was working on and planning were going in the right direction for the vision He has for us. It was a cool moment that came at an unexpected time. Here are a few links for your enjoyment/betterment.
1. This firefox add-on will help you stay off time killing sites during work.
2. I won’t be trying this sermon illustration any time soon.
3. Baseball stat guru and Red Sox consultant has figured out how to tell when a college basketball game is really over.
4. I found some info on blocking all the headlines on the new facebook layout. When I get it working, I will share it with you.
5. Two prayer requests: Karen has 3 business opportunities right now. Pray that she is able to get them all up and running soon! Pray for my health and training for the race in June. Pray that God continues to give me vision and the path to fulfill it.
Heath!!! –
That is sooo exciting that you are going to run a half-marathon! I will definitely be praying for you and your family, and you will feel so accomplished when you are done! Keep up the great work and I hope you all are well!