The Heath Mullikin Project has begun. Join us on this journey as we try to bring glory to God amidst the triumphs and tragedies of life. The podcast will be up on the major podcast platforms very soon. Thanks for your support.

Transcript: Hey, welcome to The Heath Mullikin Project. This isn’t going to be a fancy or slickly produced podcast. Instead, it’s going to be a daily look into my life—the life of raising three kids while supporting my wife, Karen, who is battling Huntington’s disease. Huntington’s is a fatal illness, and it takes a little piece of my life every single day.
This podcast will cover the ups and downs, the raw reality of what it’s like to be a pastor, a father, and a husband under these circumstances. Each day will be a little different, depending on where I’m at in my relationship with God, my family, and the random things happening in our lives.
I’ve tried launching various podcasts in the past, and this time, I want to make this a central hub—a one-stop shop for all things Heath Mullikin. It’s a work in progress, which is why I’ve called it The Heath Mullikin Project.
You can visit, where episodes will be posted. Very soon, the podcast will also be available on iTunes, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you find podcasts. While you’re on the site, you’ll notice a button that says, Buy Me a Coffee. Here’s the deal: one of the things Karen really loves is Starbucks. Specifically, she loves the canned Starbucks drinks, which cost about $2.75 or $3 at Dollar General, just down the road from us.
People often ask how they can help us, and this is one way. We have friends and supporters all over the world praying for us and going above and beyond to help care for our family. If you want to be part of our journey in a practical way, you can click that button and buy Karen a coffee. It’s a small, tangible way to invest in our lives and bring Karen some joy.
We deeply appreciate any support you can give. Whether it’s prayer, encouragement, or just buying a coffee, it all means the world to us. Thank you so much.
This podcast is going to be a daily thing—unless I’m sick with the flu or something.