Yesterday was my first NC East District Conference and it had some good moments. Every conference has it’s share of characters: the person who talks way too long, the person who refuses to not read their report, the peanut gallery(youth pastor’s section), and confusing moments about when to clap, where to stand, and where to get your name tag. I got two of those. One with my name spelled correctly and one that said “Honorary Delegate Heath Mulliken.” I got one vote for something as a layperson so I wasn’t even eligible.
Now, we had a crew of about 10 go to Asheboro to see the Dark Knight. I wasn’t very emotional going in…not like Batman or Batman Begins although I was excited. I answered a trivia question correctly before the showing(Batman first appeared in 1939) and won a Cinemark staff shirt with a Hulk promo on the back and a Batman-Gotham Knight poster autographed by one of the writers. Now, I’m not going to give any spoilers, but if you haven’t seen the movie then read no further because I don’t want my opinion(which is great) to sway you. You’ve been warned. It’s ironic that on the day Andy and I were listing my top 50 movies that I saw what is now my favorite movie. It’s the best movie I’ve ever seen. Period. It’s not like watching a comic book movie but like watching an action psychological thriller. Absolutely amazing. Can’t say enough good things about all the performances and the Heath Leger Oscar buss is legit. He is THE Joker. There are at least 3 moments that took my breath away(sorry that sounds so girly) and made me say,”What?” Now, this movie is not for the young or squeamish. If you’re looking for Adam West then this is not the place for you. Be prepared for a Silence of the Lambs type ride. Gary Oldman is amazing as Gordon and hearing Michael Caine’s Alfred is like reading his lines from the monthly comics. I’m making the trip to see this in IMAX in a few weeks. Love to hear everyone’s thoughts. I’m telling you, Chris Nolan has made his signature flick…until the sequel at least.
District Conference **.5
The Dark Knight ****
I wanted to go see it last night, but the midnight showings around me have been sold out for days. My apartment mate and I tried to pre-order them on Monday and they were already gone.
great description of the movie. you are not the first that i have heard compare it to silence of the lambs. it was a great movie that did not even focus clearly on the batman but looked deeply at the villains. nolan did well building up these characters.
like you i did not see it on imax opening day but jenny and i plan on going back to see it again on the imax in a few weeks.