My First Fantasy Football draft I had a specific strategy. I would draft players to fill all my starting positions(Quarterback, 2 Running Backs, 2 Wide Receivers/TightEnds, Defense/Special Teams, and Kicker) before drafting bench players. I would also have a sub for each position. This strategy worked as I won the championship that year. I used the same strategy the next year and made it to the finals. I didn’t tweak the strategy much for several years. My thinking was: it’s more important to draft someone who will actually be scoring points than someone who will be on the bench.
A few years ago, I read a Fantasy Football article that blew this strategy out of the water. The thinking was that it’s better to draft RB’s and WR’s for your bench because, for the most part,(after the top 3 or 4) TE’s, K’s, and Def’s are a dime a dozen. I started drafting these 3 positions in the last 3 rounds and not having a sub for any of them. RB’s and WR’s are liable to score more points or have a breakout season. You can always drop an unproductive RB or WR and pick up a TE, K, or DEF when a bye week hits. I crack up when I see guys draft multiple TE’s, K, and DEF early in drafts while I’m getting productive RB’s and WR’s. Now, what does this have to do with church leadership?
First, there should be no bench players in the church. How are we choosing our leaders and are we putting them in the right place where there strengths will shine through? Or, are we selecting niche leaders instead of strong leaders? Are we putting the person who can weave baskets in leadership simply because we want to find a place for them? Is our church even strategic enough to know what kind of leaders we need and what we’re looking for them to do? Sometimes, we pick leaders because of their last name or who invited them. Are we picking people to fill a spot or we actually looking for those who will contribute to the mission and vision of our church/ministry? Sometimes, I think we are totally unprepared when a new leader emerges. We are not ready to cultivate and empower them for ministry so that initial burst of enthusiasm goes away. We have got be more prepared to harness that enthusiasm and have the strategies in place so leaders/volunteers can find that place where they can serve with passion and purpose. Many people spend their lives going through the motions. The last thing they want to do is volunteer, lead, or serve in a capacity that doesn’t challenge, stretch, and empower them in their faith. So, who are you going to draft and who needs to be removed from your team?
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Definitely better to switch strategies. And yes, there are too many people on the bench in most churches.
My strategy for next year: enter fewer fantasy leagues. Like your site.