1. Ran into(not literally) a very polite deaf guy at Wal-Mart today. Is it wrong to yell insults at non-lip reading deaf people? What about making obscence gestures at a blind person? Just don’t do it. Be nice.
2. Youth Christmas party tonight! Looking forward to White Elephant(Andy says we can’t say Dirty Santa at church) gift exchange.
3. The dog chewed up my cell phone charger yesterday. Luckily, Wal-Mart has everything and a trip to the Verizon store in Asheboro was not necessary. I am still adjusting to not leaving anything near where the dog can get to it. I also have to do the same thing with Drake who can open child proof caps with ease. I’m telling you, my son is a Phenom. “The Man-Child” Drake Mullikin!
4. Had a friend who had to get a CAT scan yesterday. Pray that everything is okay and the doctors can find the source of the pain he’s been having.
5. I am amazed at home many teens from my ministries have entered the armed forces. 5 in the past 4 years(4 this year). 4 in the army and 1 to the Marines and that’s not counting Karen’s brother, Bill, who just graduated from basic training a few weeks ago. I admire them all and salute their service.
6. Cowboys and Panthers have big games this weekend. Not as Big as The Denton Drakes and the Denton DeLux who will be playing for Fantasy Football championships and immortality.
7. The last two weeks on Heroes have had major mark out moments for me. Did you notice who was playing Hiro’s mom. Yup, it was the girlfriend from Karate Kid II, Tamlyn Tomita. This week, did my eyes deceive me or was that Michael Dorn(Commander Worf) playing the president? I think we’re gonna get back to season one awesomeness soon.
8. It’s official, Drake is starting the terrible 2’s. Totally different than the girls. He’s still adorable even when he turns into the hulk.
9. Oh, if I haven’t mentioned it before, I am not pleased about the Karate Kid remake staring Jaden Smith, son of Will Smith. Nothing against the Smiths, but some things should be left alone and put in a place of honor at the Smithsonian where they belong. I may organize my first boycott.
10. Whether you’ve had a bad day, week, month, or year it doesn’t change the fact that God deserves your praise. Let’s make 2009 a year that sees lives changed, leaders raised, and love shared.
I love the Drake! the Drake is good!