My eyes have recently been opened to the fact that many of the foods I was eating were literally poisoning my body. I have been scared straight as far as examining what I eat and moderating my portions. It’s time for healthy eating. Now, I’m not starving myself or anything drastic like that, but we all could make smarter, healthier food choices. Over at the Food Network site they have an entire section of healthy recipes and meal ideas. Think about what your life would be like if you:
1. Took the time with your spouse to prepare a healthy meal.
2. Took the time to enjoy that meal with your family while your phones and TV were turned off.
3. Took the time to talk to your family about purpose, passion, and possibilities.
Chances are you’re thinking, “Dude, who has time for healthy eating? We’ve got this practice and that game and blah blah blah. We hardly ever eat together.” Is it any wonder that the divorce rate is so high? We have removed “quality time” from our lives and let activities plan our days for us. It’s time to slow down, get in the kitchen, and dust off the dinner table. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some healthy eating to plan.