1. The BBQ Festival was a huge letdown. I was expecting various types of barbeque with different sauces and such. I was disappointed to find that most of it was only served on a bun and sometimes mixed with slaw. Personally, I didn’t care for the food, but it was a good event with stuff for all ages. So, next year I will know what to expect. It was great to have my parents with us this weekend and know that my dad’s BBQ would have beaten any at the festival.
2. The Phillies are one win away from winning the World Series. There’s only about 125 people besides Tamba Bay Rays’ employees who will be upset if they lose and that’s why they shouldn’t win. Plus, Philly is a better team with a much larger fan base. Across the sports world, teams with larger fan bases winning championships is good because it keeps more people involved in the process. Large fan bases=ratings which=$ which is good for the sport. That’s why the NFL is so great-revenue sharing. As soon as the other sports take grasp of this concept in full then they will thrive as well. If only we could make it work in our denomination. Wait, is that redistribution of wealth?
3. Here’s my political rant for the day: I have to say there are many things that have disappointed me about the Bush presidency. He touted “compassionate conservatism” as his theme and we took that to mean that he was going to enact programs to help people help themselves. My disappointments are with his failure to curb government spending, his reliance on people, like Donald Rumsfeld, to run a 21st century war with 20th century tactics, the No Child Left Behind bill which seems to be leaving lots of people behind, the enitre Katrina fiasco, and his failure to enact any sort of logical, ethical immigration reform. Now, he has done a lot to keep our country safe since 9-11 probably much more than we realize. What I’m trying to say is that sometimes the candidate you get is not the one you voted for. That’s my fear with an Obama presidency. I think many good people have found good reasons to vote for him, but I fear that his presidency would be completely different than his canidacy. If a President McCain allowed government spending to continue to grow unchecked then that would be a complete shock to all of us. My question for Obama supporters is, what would shock you the most? For me, there is still a lot of uncertainty as to who he really is. I just think that there are going to be a lot of disappointed people when the rubber meets the road.
4. Did I hear incorrectly, or is the bailout bill that we couldn’t live without not working?
5. I heard that Halloween is now the #2 holiday in terms of money spent. I just don’t understand it. Personally, I’m not going to pay $20 a car to drive down a country road to get frightened. I think it’s our cultures addiction to adrenaline and caffeine. I’m really thankful that my mom set boundries on what costumes we could wear. Hopefully all those old plastic(and flammable) costumes will be valuable one day. I was Batman, Superman, Plastic-Man, and GI Joe. How did we breathe out of those masks?
Hope everyone has a great day and week.
I agree that the candidate we vote for is sometimes not the one we get. This entire election is scary to me. I am still undecided. I don’t trust McCain because he has lied several times throughout his campaign and I don’t know much about Obama. I feel like I need to decide who is the lesser of the two evils and go with that person. I don’t remember ever getting this close to an election and still not knowing who I am voting for.
Dude you need to try SAKS BBQ. It is my favorite. It is on 64 going towards Asheboro coming from Thomasville. Best sauce I have ever tasted.
Don’t listen to Dustin. He’s biased, he’s from A-boro. Best BBQ is Lexington BBQ in Lexington. Went there once and ran into Richard Childress. Yeah that guy. And yeah its that good! You can ask Brady or Mike about it.