Karen and the kids left for Ohio yesterday for some holiday time with her family. It’s become a tradition the last few years to travel there a big Thanksgiving. The Hurlbut’s live south of Cleveland and I’ve tried to go to a Cavs game every time we’ve been, but no such luck. We did make it to the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame which was kind of a dissappoinment. Anyway, this isn’t the first time Karen and the kids have traveled away for a week or more. Several years, they went to New York during the summer while I was at camp. Now, I like to think of myself as the life of the party. I love being around people. But, when Karen is out of town, I retreat into some sort of cocoon and try to catch up on my movie watching. One year, I tried to see as many Oscar winners(that I hadn’t seen before) while she was gone. We have different tastes in movies and there are many she has no interest in seeing. Movies like the Deer Hunter, the Sting, etc. Well, last night I picked up Ocean’s 13 and Children of Men. Let’s just say: I won’t get those 4 hours back. I was pretty unhappy with both of them so now I’m gun shy for the next few days. I don’t want to sit through any more bad movies. Of course, I could catch up on some reading. Surprisingly, everything is ready for Sunday, my sermon and worship lyrics. Timmy may come up Saturday night for the Sixers game. I guess what I’m looking for some movie suggestions. If you know me then you know my love for movies. I’m thinking about Rescue Dawn, Evan Almighty, and Superman Returns(jk). So, how should I spend the weekend? Several families have invited me over for Thanksgiving dinner, but the Pusey’s asked first so they win the contest. I tried to work it out where I could go to several places throughout the day, but apparently, everyone in Delaware and Pennsylvania eats at 4 pm on Thanksgiving. My mouth is starting to water just thinking about the feast. I have so much to be thankful for especially in a year full of self examination, self doubt, and moving away from home. God is so good. I do not deserve his friendship. I do not deserve His continuing love. I rest in Him. I have put my family in a position where we are totally dependent on Him. We rely on miracles to get through every day. Why is that so hard? I know God is going to “show up” yet still I get antsy when He takes His time. Also, when He doesn’t “fix” everything at once. I guess it’s because He’s really trying to “fix” me and that takes time. Apparently, lots of it. So, just know that I’m up here on Riverside Dr., resting, chillin, watching whatever movies you suggest, enjoying God’s company, and eating the rest of the Halloween candy. Sounds good to me.
What Dreams May Come.(Robin Williams,Annabelle Sciora, Cuba Gooding Jr)
Deep, sad, happy, beautiful, and perhaps controversial to some. If you believe in reincarnation, you will enjoy immensly. In the end- we have a choice….stay in heaven, come back to try again or live with our sins.
Wonderful movie. Whatever your belief, you will be moved.
Well, whatever you do DO NOT rent Seraphim Falls. You’d think Liam Neeson and Pierce Brosnan…good movie…heck no!! Matt said Mr. Brooks was good, but I think he watched it with you. You could do a Die Hard marathon…but knowing you, you’ve already done that. Not a bad idea for us though. Blood Diamond was pretty good. Don’t waste your time on Babel. The Good Shepherd, if you haven’t seen it, is good…a thinker, and awesome for the conspiracy theorists that you and I are. We’re not sure who we’re spending T-day with yet. Hope you have a great weekend! Will be praying for you Sunday.
I suggest The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. Lots of people dislike the movie, but I think you would get it.
Also, you can never go wrong with Strange Brew or Top Secret.