Posts here have been few and far between recently. I can’t tell you how many posts I’ve started that never got finished. I’m not sure what it is. I don’t know if I’ve lost the joy for blogging or if I started questioning if what I said even meant anything. I’ve started posts on the SLD Road trip, my 10th wedding anniversary, church thoughts, and other stuff, but haven’t been able to finish my thoughts on any of them. Somewhere they’re saved as drafts. I think part of it is having a hard time putting into words where I’m at in life right now. I have met so many amazing people this summer who are dropping everything and chasing their lions. They are doing head scratching things for the kingdom of God. I met a guy named Dave Bever who pastors New City Church in Cleveland. He is putting everything on the line to reach the people of Cleveland. As I heard him share his story, I sensed a courage in him that I don’t sense in myself. This summer has been a journey of discovery. I saw and experienced new things that I will never forget. I find myself waiting, uncomfortably, for the voice and direction of the Lord. Whether that means doing stand up comedy, being an itinerant speaker, starting a non-profit, becoming a senior pastor, staying right here in Denton, or doing most of the above at the same time remains to be seen. In the mean time, God is going to use our church and Soul Glo ministries to reach our town. He’s going to break the bonds of generational poverty, divorce, and sin. He is going to restore marriages, families, and finances. He’s going to provide for those who are not able to provide for themselves right now. He’s going to use the 642 to energize the youth of Denton into a life changing army. We are going to see lives transformed in miraculous ways. Drug addicts will get clean, alcoholics will dry out, and the promiscuous will learn to keep their pants on. We will see the school drop out rate and out of wedlock pregnancy rate go down while the number of church and community volunteers go up. We are never called to be in a holding pattern. There is always a life near us that needs to be influenced, a hungry person that needs to be feed, and a great commission to be fulfilled. Just because you don’t know what specific lion you’re supposed to chase doesn’t mean that you stop chasing the dream of a better life for yourself and those around you through the power of Christ. It’s time to stop worrying about the future…I already read the ending anyway.
God help you! It can be done.