1. If one of an employer’s priorities is employee productivity then who invented the “smoke break?” It’s basically employers giving their workers 15 minutes(9 or 10 times a shift maybe) to harm their bodies. Nothing kills employee productivity like death!
2. I got two texts in the past 3 days that lifted my spirits because they were from people I had invested in. Thankfully, God is helping those investments to pay off and I see two people on their way to a life of fulfilling service.
3. I can’t speak for every youth pastor, but nothing discourages me more than getting on facebook or myspace and seeing people from my past or current church engaging in stupid behavior. Whether it’s the inability to express themselves without bad language or the need to take pictures of themselves getting drunk it crushes me.
4. To all you bloggers out there, send me your links so I can check em out and post your stuff.
5. Just read about this. Very interesting stuff. If you’re in ministry and haven’t visited Willow Creek yet then put it on your calendar.
6. Saw Leatherheads with Karen on my birthday. Pretty good, but not $10 a ticket good.
7. The Pennsylvania primary is tomorrow. And then the TV ads will stop. At least until October.
8. We have our district lock-in, Breakout, Friday with close to 30 kids from ChiUnited going. Should be awesome but I need some sleep starting now….
Heath! Hey man…just checking in on your blog. My blog address is
– Dustin
Here’s my link:
Quick update on Joy’s crazy future – Josh finds out sometime this week about an internship that, if he and the church felt he was a good mesh, would turn into a full-time position once he graduates in December. The situation is ideal – it’s a young church and there are 3 schools that offer a masters in counseling within 30 minutes of the city. It’s so hard to just sit back and let God work, but I know He will lead us where He wants us. I’ll call and update later this week. Love you all!!!
there is my link Heath. Hopefully I will see you some this summer, I am travelling with the Difference. I am praying for you guys up there in the north.