1. Saw Iron Man last Friday and thought it was one of the best and truest to the source material comic movies ever. They updated well to the modern era.
2. Indiana Jones opens in three weeks and I’m going to love whether I want to or not. I am a bit disturbed by all the toys thought especially the one with the ark of the covenant. Creepy. I don’t care that he’s got a kid, or is getting older. I main complaint with Lucas and Speilberg would be if they use computers for too many of the stunts. What made the first 3 Indy movies great was the realism and lack of computer tampering.
3. Matt and Deborah are moving today. Wonder if she’s wearing the nice boots that Matt just bought her.
4. Continue to pray for Matt and Ashley Smith who are home awaiting the birth of their twins. Ashley had been in the hospital for around 3 weeks while they monitored and tried to keep her from going into labor. Now everything looks good and they’re home resting.
5. Also pray for Eddie and Martha Marie Smith. Martha Marie came through her surgery okay. You can get updates at www.eddiesmith.com
6. Pray for Karen and I. We are both getting a little nervous because several churches have not called us back. Our goal was to line up interviews for Memorial Day weekend, but time is running out to get that done. We know we are in God’s hands, He has heard our needs and desires, and we are resting in that. By resting I mean working the phones and emails as consistently as I can. Some guys told me yesterday that I should a puppet to my repertoire.
7. Have mega churches in sense formed their own denomination? Most have the same form of leadership structure(gee, I wonder if that has anything to do with their success?) and little or no ties to a denomination. I have no problem with that and most people who don’t like mega churches are people who don’t attend mega churches. I agree with Perry Noble that they are not a new idea, but God bringing back the days of Acts when thousands gathered, heard the gospel, and were saved.
8. I will be making some big blog changes in the next week or so to make this blog better and more accessible. Thanks to everyone who gave input and ideas. Just waiting on the web team of Mullikin, Mullikin, Mullikin, Mullikin, and Mullikin.
9. Geek moment of the day-I can’t wait for the new Ric Flair DVD coming out this summer.
10. It’s daughter date day with Charis-I’m hoping she picks Pizza Hut.
hey man…love keeping up with what’s happening in your world. I will pray that you and Karen find the right spot. Any church would be blessed to have you guys.
And as far as the Ric Flair DVD goes…i am cool with it as long as their are no matches where he beats Jimmy Snuka! (did they ever actually wrestle?)
Thanks for passing the word on. We’re hoping she will go home tomorrow.
Hey dude. Thanks for the shout out for prayers. God has been amazing through all this. Ash will be 33 weeks tomorrow! BTW, Welcome to the WordPress world. If you need some help let me know.