1. Was watching Cinderella Man the other day with Karen. I totally love this movie. Is there a better movie to watch when you’re a little down? Karen was out of town when I saw it in the theaters. I was the only person in there so I basically rented the place for $6. It was a great experience and its a movie I never grow tired of. The best part is when Lasky uppercuts him and Braddock smiles at him after he staggers a bit.
2. Karate Kid was on AMC last night. Had to stop and watch a bit. How did the song “you’re the best around” not get any radio play? Again, I say Pat Morita was robbed of an Oscar.
3. We are waiting to hear back from some churches and pastors about job opportunities. Nothing concrete yet.
4. Chi United is having our first Missions Conference this weekend with Dr. Jo Anne Lyon, Sin Cadenas, and Dan and Joy Irvine.
5. Matt sent me an amazingly encouraging text message last night. He thinks I’ve got a lot more primal yells left in me.
6. Does anyone know how to track readers in blogger? I just want to make sure no one is stalking me.
7. Finally, Breakout was awesome. Everyday Sunday was there and were very friendly, even to the middle school girls from my church who could only make high pitched screaming sounds in their presence. Did you know they have two new(different) band members. The drummer and bass player are different than the guys on the cover of their last CD. The only bad thing was my 3 guys got robbed in the 3 on 3 tourney. I had to be a mature leader while there and just get them to walk away, but between us, it was a travesty. The score got changed mid-game, the timer buzzed to end the game while we were ahead, and there was a horrible call at the end. It seemed shady cause we got beat by a team from the host church. I know it’s just a game, but I’m more angry about how it affected my boys than anything.
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Dude, you need to switch your blog to WordPress. So much better. You can even import all your Blogger posts. And you have a blog stats feature that breaks down visits your your blog.
I just visted your blog for the first time today. I got your name from Mark Wilson’s blogger list. I am on there as well if you want to check it out, but you asked about a tracking on blogger. stat-counter.com works is great and it’s free. It gives you lots of information about every visitor that comes to your blog. Hope that helps!