It’s late. I can’t sleep. It feels like there is something gnawing at my soul. Sometimes I feel like my tombstone will say “unrealized potential.” There’s this hump I can’t(or won’t) get over. Am I working hard enough? Am I working smart enough? Why can’t I get things done? Why can’t I get what’s in my brain and on paper into reality? My feet are cold, too. That makes it even worse. It’s not enough that I’m racking my brain, but my feet are freezing. I know that I will eventually lay my head down to sleep and things will go whipping by in my mind. But before that happens, I will look at my two girls in their bunk beds. I’ll make sure their feet aren’t cold and they’re covered up good. Then I’ll look in on the Drake. Make sure he’s breathing. Make sure he’s covered with 5-7 blankets. Then, I’ll lay down next to my beautiful wife who hasn’t realized how much of a raw deal she’s gotten. I will sleep. And, Lord willing, I will wake up in the morning. I may not have all the answers. I may not “feel” right. My feet may still be cold when I wake up, but with every new day, there is hope. There’s another chance to do what I didn’t do today. A chance to laugh louder. Sing sweeter. Play harder. Love better. And get my dang blackberry fixed.
[…] honest. I don’t know that I necessarily have anything important to say, but it is 3:34 am and I can’t sleep. I started getting a head cold on Saturday and have felt kinda yucky all weekend. There’s a […]