Tony Dungy is a rare man. It’s not because he was the first African-American coach to win a Super Bowl. It’s not because he’s one of only 3 men to win a Super Bowl as a player and a coach. It’s not even because he walked away from coach at the top of his game. No, Tony Dungy is rare in that he has accomplished all of this with a level of integrity and depth of faith and character that is “Uncommon.” He may well be the most respected man in and around the NFL. He left coaching to pursue a higher calling: helping young people. His highest profile case so far is Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Michael Vick whom Dungy took under his wing while Vick was serving prison time for running an illegal dog fighting ring. My respect for him only grew as he endured the toughest thing a parent can face, the tragic loss of his son, with bravery, dignity, and hope. Here are some comments on that event and a great testimony from a Super Bowl breakfast a few years ago.
He is Lion Chaser because of his pursuit to serve Christ to the best of his abilities and use the platform he has been given to make a difference. To find out more about him you can visit his bio here or his home page here. On top of all of this, he is a best selling author of two great books, Quiet Strength and Uncommon. There are also small group materials available. Tony Dungy: a class act, a great coach, and a true Lion Chaser.
I LOVE THIS MAN!!! I have so much respect for him because he makes no apologies for his faith. The integrity that he lives his life with is something we can all look up to in a world that has forsaken integrity and a life lived in line with Christ.