Last week my Tech Talk Tuesday segment with David Gould was about Why Church Leaders Should Blog and this week we talked about some must read blogs. Here’s the video of the segment on blogging and if you’re looking to start a blog then click here.
Here are the must read blogs I shared with him:
Multi-Ethnic MInistry, Diversity and Leadership
bigisthenewsmall.com-Scott Williams
ingodsway.org -Paul Tillman
Orangeleaders.com-children, youth, college Blog
Childrensministryonline.com– Kenny conley is the NextGen Pastor at Gateway Church in Austin, TX
Vickybeeching.com, cyber-soul.com
Ragamuffinsoul.com-Carlos Whiatker
Elevationworship.com-set lists
Youth ministry
Morethandodgeball.com-Josh Griffin, saddleback
Dougfields.com-Doug Fields
Momsoffaith.com-blog for Christian mothers
MIchaelhyatt.com-productivity and leadership
Jonacuff.com-a fresh and funny take of church stuff
To see a list of the top 100 Christian blogs click here.