I have some things to get off my chest and want to do it in a loving way so here we go…
1. While driving to Lancaster for my wife’s birthday we were flipping through the stations and stopped to listen to a few conservative shows. Why are some hosts so argumentative and rude in interrupting their guests and callers? Is this how Jesus talked to people who disagreed with him? I had to turn it off. Now, I know that liberal hosts do the same thing, but if anyone actually listened to their shows they would be on more than one station.
2. Second, it occurred to me that 95% of TV is people giving their opinion. I miss the news where they just tell you what happened when, who was there, why and how it happened, etc. If you’re flipping through the channels and see more than two faces on the screen just keep going. I am so guilty of just wanted to hear people’s opinions on matters from filling out my NCAA bracket, the Democratic primary, the war in Iraq, gas prices, Britney Spears daily routine, and why people hate George W. Bush. Dude, for me, it’s got to stop. I’m tired of all the yelling and how do we know who’s telling the truth. By the way, there was no welcoming ceremony in Lancaster. We were told to run from our van to the stores because there may be sniper fire. We were in great danger and I remember it very clearly. Sinbad was there and will tell you the same thing.
3. If you listen to some people you will believe that it is impossible for Barack Obama to be a Christian. Why? Because his father was Muslim and his mother was an atheist. So, just stop witnessing to all your friends who weren’t raised in a Christian home because by the same logic, they can’t become Christians either. It’s this kind of thinking that could turn American churches into museums in a few generations: places where stuff used to happen, but not anymore.
4. Finally, I want to end on a happy note. Here’s a link to my friend Brady. He is counting down his top 50 movies which has inspired me to do the same. Brady is a great guy and is doing a great work as the youth pastor at Smith Chapel Wesleyan Church in Liberty, SC. His movie tastes are a little different than mine, but it’s entertaining stuff.
Now, come back tomorrow when I will try to be a little lighter in weight and tone.
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