Vision is scary. A lack of vision is even scarier. I’ve become a big fan of Newspring church in Anderson, SC and Senior Pastor Perry Noble. God has given him a vision for Newspring and during their current Gametime series he is outlining it for the congregation. www.newspring.cc He presents it with such passion and it is encouraging to see a church that is actually going somewhere because their pastor is leading them. I see so many churches that are just in maintenance mode. The pastor is working day to day. I don’t want to be like that. I want God to help me dream big for Chi United. I believe the Senior Pastor has a vision I can support and we’re going to see God move(He already is). However, I keep asking myself, am I dreaming big enough? A volunteer told me at a children’s ministry meeting tonight that thinking we would be up to 60 kids by Christmas wasn’t enough. She said that God could do more. It was awesome because this is an older lady who is so passionate about children’s ministry even with poor health. I wish I had 100 more volunteers like her. It was [Read more…] about Vision