Episode 18-Survivor Spoilers Kinda
Episode 17-The 5 Groups on Twitter
Episode 16-A Review of Hachi: A Dog’s Tale
Episode 15-Lock Ins
National Day of Unplugging and Working Smarter
From sunset to sunset on March 19-20 has been declared the National Day of Unplugging. I found the Sabbath Manifesto which was a welcome site considering my recent posts on the subject. You should check out their site and really think about what it means to unplug. I will be participating in a lock-in Friday night so I will be up and unplugged all night long. When I get home Saturday I will be shutting my phone off and catching some shut eye. Along this same theme of work and rest, I found a great series of post from Michael Hyatt, the CEO of Thomas Nelson publishing.
- 10 reasons why you aren’t done yet.
- How to shave 10 hours off your work week
- Workflow System
- A Weekly Review
- Before you create a to do list
It’s amazing how our productivity affects our ability to unplug and get away. It comes down to something as simple as deciding what’s important and what’s not. If you’re out of work right now, Tim Kirkpatrick has a great post today about finding a job in this difficult economy.
Happy Unplugging!