If you haven’t read Crazy Love by Francis Chan then put it on your to do list. It is one of those books that really inspired me in a way that few books have. By inspire, I mean slap me in the face with the reality of the depths of God’s love and the shallowness of my life. I don’t know if I will ever recover from the lukewarm chapter. It has spawned a sermon or too for me. His new book, Forgotten God, was recently released. Let me know what you think of these two great books. There are small group DVD
Materials available for both as well.
The Wait is Over!
The day has finally arrived! At 9 am on October 7, 2009 this site has officially launched. At this very moment(9 am on October 7 when this posted), I am on the Techology Show announcing the start of something big. I want this to be a movement. This site is designed to provide resources and encouragement that will help you discover and pursue your purpose, passion, and possibilities. I want “chase your lion“, “chase my lion”, and “lion chaser” to become a part of the vernacular. I want people to associate those words and this site with a life of adventure and meaning. A few thank you’s before we go any further. First, to Christ for making my life and all this possible through his grace, love, and sacrifice. To my parent’s, who didn’t tell me how to be an astronaunt but loved, pushed, and supported me to where I’m at. To Matt Rhodes, for the logos. To everyone who has prayed for, loved, and supported me on this journey and to the Soulgloer’s who are showing me that raising the bar can be the norm. To my wife, Karen, who puts up with my ADHDADD and pushes me to be a lion chaser everyday. This would not be happening without her. She is wonderful soul mate to me and mother to our 3 kids, Milena, Charis, and(The)Drake. And finally, to Mark Batterson, whose book, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day stirred something inside of me that has now come to fruition. My prayer is that it would do the same for you.
A few things before you go:
1. I would be honored if you subscribed to my blog by hitting that big orange button on the right.
2. Sign Up for the Newsletter as well. It will be different from the blog and come every week or so. Aweber has a strict no spam policy so you’re info is safe. Keep your ears open because there will be contests for subscribers and the first prize is going to be a certain book which provided the inspiration for this site. That’s right. I’m going to give away 10 copies of In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, but you’ve got to keep tuned in for the when, where, and how.
3. Join the Revolution and follow on Twitter, Facebook, and all the other social media stuff that causes Deborah Rhodes to want to plan an intervention for me. Retweets and @mentions are greatly appreciated to spread the word.
4. Join me in praying that lives are changed through this site. I want it to help people find meaning and have eternal value.
Thanks for your support. I look forward to getting to know many of you. Have a blessed Day.
24 hours to go time!
In 24 hours, a dream becomes reality. What started out as an unsure yearning has now become bits, bytes, html, php, and I am in car today with some dear friends on our way to see U2 in Atlanta. That’s a five hour drive for us…one way. Along the way, we will be picking up a Roady name Palmer who will be joining us for this 20 hour Epic. I am excited to experience my second U2 show, but I’m more excited to announce that at 9 am tomorrow….It has been a whirlwind the last few weeks and the next few even more so. Please be in prayer for the following.
1. That Chase Your Lion dot com will help people discover and pursue their purpose, passion, and possibiliites.
2. For Revival Services at Liberty Wesleyan Church(NC West Edition) on October 18-21 that I will be speaking at. Pray for a Revolution of hearts and minds.
3. Pray for widsom and strength as I have some amazing opportunities at the NC East Fall Rally and Love/Mercy. I’m really excited about some Love/Mercy doors that have opened up.
4. Pray for Denton Wesleyan. God is moving and it is causing people to squirm and feel uncomfortable.
5. Pray for my wife, Karen, and our 3 kids, Milena, Charis, and Drake. I have spent many late nights recently working on the new site. I haven’t been this passionate about a project in a long time. It feels good, but pray that, now that the site is up, the laptop won’t be a fixture on the kitchen table anymore.
Tony Morgan interview with David Crowder
I’m a big Tony Morgan and David Crowder fan. Here’s Tony’ interview with him about his recent new album.
Get an Autographed copy of A Million Miles in a Thousand Years
Donald Miller’s books have influenced much of Christian thought over the past 10 years. Blue Like Jazz is required reading on many college campuses. His new book, based on his life journey following the publication of Blue Like Jazz, came out recently. You can get an autographed copy of it if you order now. I’m a huge fan of his work especially Searching for God Knows What. It’s on my to reread list. “Thought provoking” are the two words that best describe his work. Check out all of his stuff.
Rob Bell's Drops Like Stars Tour
I’m a big fan of Rob Bell. Got to see him in Philly a few years ago for the “Gods Aren’t Angry” Tour. We are going to see him Friday in Charlotte. His teaching and writing always make me think about faith and life in a fresh way. This tour deals with the impact of suffering on creativity. I can’t wait. Come join the fun! |