About 10 years ago, I got into Fantasy Football. No one knows this, but I actually invented fantasy sports at a church lock-in in the early 90’s. We called it “card basketball” where we would pick players cards and see who could come up with the best team statistically. If I had stuck with it….well, that’s a story for another day. Anyway, I spent my bachelor party participating in our first(maybe second) fantasy football draft. All I know is Kenny Hanna took Warrick Dunn, a rookie at the time, with the fourth overall pick. Ironically, rookie Peyton Manning wasn’t even drafted, but I did pick him up late in the season and he lead me to the title. The next season I had to pick between him and Kurt Warner on who to keep. Let’s just say, I made a poor decision and compounded it by trading Randy Moss for David Boston and a kicker. All the seasons are running together so I’m not sure if both these horrendous decisions were made in the same season or not. I rarely finish in the middle. I’m either first, second, or last. I guess I got a little Ricky Bobby in me. This year, I’m participating in 6 fantasy football leagues. 2 are with strangers on ESPN, and the other 4 are with people I know. Laugh all you want, but I know a guy who had to report over $15,000 in fantasy football income one year on his taxes. Granted, I’m not in any “money leagues” because all the guys still owe me from year one. Most of the time you can’t tell how good a team is gonna be by their draft(especially if your top 2 RB’s and first 2 picks go down with injuries within the first 3 weeks not that I’m still bitter, Larry Johnson and Deuce McCalister) so any hopeful feelings must be kept in check. After the first 4 drafts I am fairly pleased. When you somehow get Adrian Petersen with the third pick then maybe it’s okay to starta hoping. I can honestly say I have followed my gameplan in each one to a T. I’ve got two more drafts coming up. I actually have 4 spots left in a keeper league I’m doing on ESPN. If you have no clue what that last sentence means then please don’t respond. I won’t take the time to explain how Fantasy Football works, but I will close with an illustration of how it affects the way you watch the game. In season 1 of the former SWU Flukes League, my roommate, Clark Camp, and I ordered Sunday Ticket from DirectTV so we could follow our fantasy players. During week 1 we found ourselves watching the Seattle Seahawks beat someone 30-0. I think we watched the whole 4th quarter of that game because if they got the shutout then Matt Rampey was going to win his matchup that week. I will say I don’t miss doing all the scoring on a spreadsheet while reading the box scores from USA Today. Two computer crashes wiped out the history of our league, but now, thanks to the internet, I can relive every heart wrenching moment from my online leagues. If not for Patrick Jeffers, I would have been a back to back champion those first 2 years. He scored 3 TD’s for the Panthers to give Aaron Rampey the title and then never scored another TD in his career due to injury. Not that anyone is keeping score.
Working out the kinks
The past few days I have sorting through some stuff in my mind. I’m trying to discern what’s from me and what’s from God as it pertains to my passion and purpose. I’m trying to see how this all fits in with me trying to make some money on the side without taking a part-time job on third shift. I guess I’m trying to double triple check that it’s okay if pursuing my passion and purpose results in making some money. I don’t want to do anything that seems shady or unethical. I know it’s my passion and purpose to help others find and pursue their passion and purpose. I want to know if it’s okay for my business to be helping others find and pursue their passion and purpose. I’m at a point where I’m not quite sure how all of this is going to look. There are some costs involved and I want to be a good steward. If this isn’t God’s will then I don’t want to put any money into it. I’m hesitant because I’ve already misunderstood God once this year on a matter like this, but God used that experience and what I learned from it to bring me to this point. I realize now that the experience and education could have been mine for me if I had exercised some restraint and patience. Don’t worry, the details of this story will be post number 1 if and when the new venture/blog is up and running. I guess it’s not really a question of know God’s will for my life, but rather, discovering how He wants me to accomplish it. He has been doing an amazing internal work in me this summer. Has it always shown through? Nope. Do I still lose my temper too quickly with my kids? Yes. Has having a two year boy been a challenge to my patience? Affirmative. I can’t read James Dobson’s “Bringing Up Boys” fast enough. What I’ve been trying to say in these first 300 words is that God has me on an amazing journey and it’s about to get even better. Consider this your invitation to the next chapter. Now, go check out this great post from Dr. Labar on his take on what it means to become and be a Christian. It will get you thinking. Go ahead and add him to your google reader. His blog, Sun and Shield, is a great read. Check out this post from Dean Herman, pastor of 5 Points Fellowship in Easley, SC. Would love to hear your thoughts on his post. Dean and I used meet with other youth pastors in Liberty when he was on staff at Liberty First Baptist. I have always found him to be a man of great vision and passion. Major changes coming to heathmullikin.com so get ready for a bright future!
How do you say what can’t be said?
Posts here have been few and far between recently. I can’t tell you how many posts I’ve started that never got finished. I’m not sure what it is. I don’t know if I’ve lost the joy for blogging or if I started questioning if what I said even meant anything. I’ve started posts on the SLD Road trip, my 10th wedding anniversary, church thoughts, and other stuff, but haven’t been able to finish my thoughts on any of them. Somewhere they’re saved as drafts. I think part of it is having a hard time putting into words where I’m at in life right now. I have met so many amazing people this summer who are dropping everything and chasing their lions. They are doing head scratching things for the kingdom of God. I met a guy named Dave Bever who pastors New City Church in Cleveland. He is putting everything on the line to reach the people of Cleveland. As I heard him share his story, I sensed a courage in him that I don’t sense in myself. This summer has been a journey of discovery. I saw and experienced new things that I will never forget. I find myself waiting, uncomfortably, for the voice and direction of the Lord. Whether that means doing stand up comedy, being an itinerant speaker, starting a non-profit, becoming a senior pastor, staying right here in Denton, or doing most of the above at the same time remains to be seen. In the mean time, God is going to use our church and Soul Glo ministries to reach our town. He’s going to break the bonds of generational poverty, divorce, and sin. He is going to restore marriages, families, and finances. He’s going to provide for those who are not able to provide for themselves right now. He’s going to use the 642 to energize the youth of Denton into a life changing army. We are going to see lives transformed in miraculous ways. Drug addicts will get clean, alcoholics will dry out, and the promiscuous will learn to keep their pants on. We will see the school drop out rate and out of wedlock pregnancy rate go down while the number of church and community volunteers go up. We are never called to be in a holding pattern. There is always a life near us that needs to be influenced, a hungry person that needs to be feed, and a great commission to be fulfilled. Just because you don’t know what specific lion you’re supposed to chase doesn’t mean that you stop chasing the dream of a better life for yourself and those around you through the power of Christ. It’s time to stop worrying about the future…I already read the ending anyway.
Breaking down the SLD Road Trip
SLD Road Trip
Take some good girls and some good boys too
Some Adults and an Aussie too
We gathered in Indiana
Excited bout starting something new
SLD Road trip
SLD Road trip
It’s a long way to the North Country
Arrived in Sterling, Michigan
Played Survivor then we got rained on
He saved us that Wild Man Dan
6 hours to get to Toronto
Helped people then watched the Blue Jays
Theres an odd smell coming down the hallway
Theres a fire get out of my way
It’s a long day hanging in Niagara
Heading west toward the US of A
Somethings missing I think it’s your visa
Mark’s got some plutonium in his veins
Cleared customs onto Buffalo
Burritos at the Super 8
Built a Habitat house with Chuck and Bob
Folded clothes and put them in their crates
Cleveland rocks and we met Dave Bever
Packed cereal at the Cleveland foodbank
Handing flyers to the church’s neighbors
Too many people we should thank
Great Podcasts
Godly teachers, preachers, and leaders can help us discover where God wants us to go, what He wants us to do, and how all of that fits together. Podcasts are a great way to keep up with some of American’s best churches and pastor’s and best of all: They’re Free! There have been so many days that instead of my usual workout music that I’ve listened to a challenging sermon. Here are just a few that have inspired, motivated, and changed my life.
Newspring Church-Anderson, SC-Pastor Perry Noble
National Community Church-Washington, DC-Pastor Mark Batterson
Elevation Church-Charlotte, NC-Pastor Steven Furtick
Rick Warren’s Ministry Podcast-Pastor Rick Warren
Mars Hill Bible Church-Grand Rapids, MI-Pastor Rob Bell
Mars Hill Church-Seattle, Washington-Pastor Mark Driscoll
Vintage Church-Greensboro, NC-Pastor Matt Smith
Clicking on the above links will direct you to open Itunes and take you to the Itunes store where you can read a description and download each podcast.