Many of you have been praying about a job opportunity we had in North Carolina. We found out yesterday(how we found out is a whole other story) that we did not get the job. So, we are continuing to seek the Lord’s will. We know that He has brought us to this place and are open to anything. This is an important step for us as our kids will be starting school soon. We have other options at this point, but no clear leading from the Lord. I’ve got to go home and take a nap before the big lock-in tonight so have a great weekend.
A Facebook App I actually like
I’m one of those people who hates Facebook applications. They annoy me. Tony Morgan and Cody Thomas(links at right) have both blogged on the subject. However, yesterday I received an invite for the Wrestler application. Being the mark(that’s wrestling fan lingo) that I am I immediately joined and created my wrestler and invited many of my friends to join. This is actually a fun, cool app. I’ve created my wrestler, Hot Lips Heath Hannity, and even started a stable, Elite, Inc. So, I’m looking for wrestlers to fight and to join my stable. Yes, I am a geek. No, I really don’t have time to do all of this, but it is too dang fun to pass up.
1. Still waiting and praying.
2. Yesterday marked a year since this whole journey/moving/third circle deal started. I thought about it a lot more a month ago, but kinda forgot about it since we were awaiting news a job. God has an amazing sense of humor. Never thought I’d go to bed on the same day two years in a row wondering what our next move was. However, I serve a God who loves me and my family. He wants what is best for us. It’s confusing at times, but so is watching your walking stick turn into a snake.
3. With all that in mind, I remember Psalm 118:5-“In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and He answered by setting me free.” Sign me up for that.
4. Hope everyone is having a great week, the Sixers play better tomorrow than they did last night, and that God directs, blesses, and uses us all.
Tuesday’s Child
Added blog links for Cody Thomas, Dustin Ahkuoi, Dustin Wilson, and Abram Rampey. Check these guys out. Dustin moonlights with Dem Playa Haterz who you can check out here.
1. These guys have switched to wordpress. I’d love to hear why. I’m slow to change, but my ears are open.
2. Matt told me to check out Twitter. I did and I’m not doing it. I don’t need another site to have to update daily and with Twitter it appears I’ll need to update every time I leave the room. No thanks. And frankly, I don’t care what anyone else is doing every five minutes either.
3. Still waiting on God to open doors and give direction.
4. I don’t use Internet Explorer anymore(Firefox baby!), but some things you have to open good ole IE. Here’s the thing, every time I try to close it I get an error message saying that IE tried to shut down. Then it won’t close and I have to minimize it until I reboot. Even task manager won’t help. So, anyone else having problems like this with Vista or is it my HP laptop(which has it’s own issues)?
5. Have you heard that there will be some crossover between the Hulk and Iron Man movies this summer leading up to a possible Avengers movie in 3 or 4 years? Sounds pretty cool. Iron Man kicks off the summer movie craze next weekend. Then it’s on with Prince Caspian, Indiana Jones, and leading up to July’s The Dark Knight. Check out for all the latest news.
6. Dude, this video is too funny. I sure am gonna miss her.
7. I’ve got two weeks left to check out this exhibit at the Franklin Institute.
8. I went to bed at 8 pm last night and I’m still tired.
Hope everyone has a happy April 22nd!
I was thinking…
1. If one of an employer’s priorities is employee productivity then who invented the “smoke break?” It’s basically employers giving their workers 15 minutes(9 or 10 times a shift maybe) to harm their bodies. Nothing kills employee productivity like death!
2. I got two texts in the past 3 days that lifted my spirits because they were from people I had invested in. Thankfully, God is helping those investments to pay off and I see two people on their way to a life of fulfilling service.
3. I can’t speak for every youth pastor, but nothing discourages me more than getting on facebook or myspace and seeing people from my past or current church engaging in stupid behavior. Whether it’s the inability to express themselves without bad language or the need to take pictures of themselves getting drunk it crushes me.
4. To all you bloggers out there, send me your links so I can check em out and post your stuff.
5. Just read about this. Very interesting stuff. If you’re in ministry and haven’t visited Willow Creek yet then put it on your calendar.
6. Saw Leatherheads with Karen on my birthday. Pretty good, but not $10 a ticket good.
7. The Pennsylvania primary is tomorrow. And then the TV ads will stop. At least until October.
8. We have our district lock-in, Breakout, Friday with close to 30 kids from ChiUnited going. Should be awesome but I need some sleep starting now….
33 and counting
Well today is the big day and for some reason I was thinking about all the jobs I had ever had. So, in no particular order here they are…by the way this will probably be a multi-post day as things come to my mind…
1. Grass cutter
2. Hardee’s cook
3. Tropical Snow southeast distribution
4. Pendleton Tropical Sno Cone Booth Owner/Operator
5. Church janitor-two different churches
6. Youth Pastor-Mauldin, Central First, and Chichester United Wesleyan
7. Summer Intern-Langley Free Baptist Church-Slough, England
8. Summer Intern-Corinth No. 2 Baptist Church(now Bishop Branch Baptist Church)
9. Seminar Room Host-Cincy ’98(Wesleyan Youth Convention)
10. I-Zone Director-LOGOS5(Southern Area Wesleyan Youth Convention)
11. Director of Interactive Activities and Events-Set Apart 07
12. Maximus Graphics co-owner
13. Computer Lab Assistant-SWU
14. Computer Lab coordinator-SWU
15. SWU Ministry Team Member
16. Transportation Coordinator-C3(Wesleyan Youth Convention)
17. Devotional Writer
18. Camp Speaker
19. District Youth President
20. Guest speaker at various churches
21. Grapevine
Let’s lighten things up a bit
I wanted to get some of these thoughts posted before Matt could steal my copyrights…
1. Cracker Barrel ain’t nothin but a flea market that serves breakfast.
2. I have never almost gotten into a fight. I’ve been in a few shoving matches and have determined that many times a confrontation doesn’t escalate until someone steps in to hold someone back. In my shoving match, I had no intentions of doing anything after the first shove. Then another stepped in to hold me back, so I felt obligated to make a lunge at the other guy since someone was there to hold me back. Otherwise, we would have just stared at each other. Watch a baseball fight. A guy may take a few steps toward a pitcher who has just beaned him, but if the catcher steps in then the guy will make a real effort to go after the pitcher.
3. Matt informs me that me being George has nothing to do with my wallet. This coming from a guy who went to a Hanson concert last night with his wife. I actually respect him for this because his wife is a huge Hanson fan and he definitely took one for the team on that one. Fortunately for us, both of our wives love Hootie. At least we agreed on who Susan was.
4. If one of your goals is for your children to not be subjected to bad language then don’t take them to Phillies games. Wow. The beer only makes it worse. I guess it’s like that in lots of places. Philly fan had to be disappointed cause when the Phillies game ended Friday night the Flyers were up 4-2 and had lost 5-4 by the time we got to the car.
5. I am about two hours from where the Pope is today, but I still prefer Virgil Mitchell.
6. Look for a post on Ric Flair’s career next week.
7. Speaking of careers, no word yet on our next step.
8. Once again, I want to thank everyone for their support and kind words of encouragement. They are uplifting. That’s all for today.