Can’t wait until we enact the Fair Tax and April 15 loses it’s aura and aprehension. I’m not holding my breath though.
1. Thanks to everyone who have left encouraging comments about our transition. They are greatly appreciated.
2. Here’s a pic of me and Anthony at the Phillies game Friday night. Going to order a few prints for us.
3. Being gone I missed some of Deborah’s recent posts. She’s seen the light on Oprah and I’ve already taunted her about only being two hours away from a NKOTB concert in Jersey. Stubhub has tickets for $47. A girl broke up with me once over those guys. She was obsessed. Like many other guys, I came around after they were big and now dig their music and am not at all threatened by them.
4. Talked to my boy G-Rich up in Newport News. He’s been pastoring up there for 7 or 8 years now. He’s trying to get us tickets to the prison football league where Michael Vick is playing(actually prison officials have said he is not playing in the league but one can hope).
5. Did I mention Wes and Amanda Boyd had their baby? Grayson James Boyd. Now both of our sons share a name with a Robin.
6. Chi United lost the first softball game of the season last night. I contributed a few wise cracks from the stands and helped eat some chocolate covered peanuts and raisins. These people are not helping my weight loss program.
7. Have you ever been talking to someone when it hits you,”This person is crazy. Legitimatily crazy. Needs to be locked up away from us all crazy. Yet they are here with me sharing their “insights” on life.”
8. One correction-I was not sick as a dog yesterday by definition. I assume from Deb’s definition(comments page) that being sick as a dog only refers to vomiting and stomach issues. In that case, I guess I was sick as a cat with a sinus infection.
9. I need to ask Matt if I can be Kramer instead of George if I give up my Constanza wallet. If he votes no then I’m nominating him for Banya.
10. Is there anything worse than the waiting game when it involves your family’s future?
Not an easy post
Well, if you’ve been wondering why my posts have been few and far between the last few weeks it’s because I had some things on my heart that I couldn’t share in a public forum. Until today that is. After much prayer, Karen and I announced to our church yesterday that we would be leaving this summer. I had been talking to my Senior Pastor about it for a while as we prayed through the matter. I informed the local board of administration last week and told most of the teens after we went to the Phillies-Cubs game Friday night. It was a decision Karen and I had been praying about and both clearly felt God was directing us to make. There’s no conspiracy, no one made us mad, Pastor Mike and I don’t hate each other-Karen and I both felt the Lord releasing us from our ministry here and that He would open other doors. We have one opportunity that we are waiting to hear back from. I can’t say much about it because their church is still in the process of interviewing candidates. The people of Chi United have been wonderful. They have helped us move three times since we’ve been here. I love and respect Pastor Mike tremendously because of his friendship and the opportunities he has given me here. God is moving at Chi United and the church is growing. Our middle school group has almost tripled in the last 2 weeks since we split the Middle and High School groups and “jumpstarted” the 5th graders. So, now you know that these things have been weighing heavily on my heart these past 3 to 4 weeks. It’s hard to blog when you can’t share what’s on your heart. The congregation was wonderful yesterday with words of encouragement and wisdom. It is hard to leave such good people. The teens have been great too and I will always cherish my relationships with them. Our work here is not finished and I know God will bring to completion what He has begun. So, pray for my family that God will open the right doors for us and that God will bring the right person to Chi United. That’s all for today. I am sick as a dog(I have nooo idea what that means so I’d love for a little help on the origin of that saying) and I’m heading home to sleep.
9 days, 2000 miles, and 1 day of sunshine
Well, we were on vacation for the past week and a half down south. It was good to see family and friends. Thanks to the bankruptcy of Skybus, we had to change our plans and drive back with the whole family. Karen and the kids were going to spend a few more weeks in NC and SC, but now we are all back safe and sound in PA. Please pray for Wes and Amanda Boyd who are expecting their first child this week and Matt and Ashley Smith who are expecting twins and experiencing some complications. These people are great friends and will be great parents. Well, I am so tired and will have a lot more to say later, but I’ve got some catch up work to do.
Not for the faint of heart
I have some things to get off my chest and want to do it in a loving way so here we go…
1. While driving to Lancaster for my wife’s birthday we were flipping through the stations and stopped to listen to a few conservative shows. Why are some hosts so argumentative and rude in interrupting their guests and callers? Is this how Jesus talked to people who disagreed with him? I had to turn it off. Now, I know that liberal hosts do the same thing, but if anyone actually listened to their shows they would be on more than one station.
2. Second, it occurred to me that 95% of TV is people giving their opinion. I miss the news where they just tell you what happened when, who was there, why and how it happened, etc. If you’re flipping through the channels and see more than two faces on the screen just keep going. I am so guilty of just wanted to hear people’s opinions on matters from filling out my NCAA bracket, the Democratic primary, the war in Iraq, gas prices, Britney Spears daily routine, and why people hate George W. Bush. Dude, for me, it’s got to stop. I’m tired of all the yelling and how do we know who’s telling the truth. By the way, there was no welcoming ceremony in Lancaster. We were told to run from our van to the stores because there may be sniper fire. We were in great danger and I remember it very clearly. Sinbad was there and will tell you the same thing.
3. If you listen to some people you will believe that it is impossible for Barack Obama to be a Christian. Why? Because his father was Muslim and his mother was an atheist. So, just stop witnessing to all your friends who weren’t raised in a Christian home because by the same logic, they can’t become Christians either. It’s this kind of thinking that could turn American churches into museums in a few generations: places where stuff used to happen, but not anymore.
4. Finally, I want to end on a happy note. Here’s a link to my friend Brady. He is counting down his top 50 movies which has inspired me to do the same. Brady is a great guy and is doing a great work as the youth pastor at Smith Chapel Wesleyan Church in Liberty, SC. His movie tastes are a little different than mine, but it’s entertaining stuff.
Now, come back tomorrow when I will try to be a little lighter in weight and tone.
Giving God some props
Last week was simply amazing. The Lord blessed in many ways. Here are all the ones I can remember at the moment…
1. 5 people connected to our church gave their lives to Christ. That’s why we do what we do.
2. 42 people attended our new Saturday night service, REFUGE.
3. The Easter Egg hunt was amazing. My goal was to give away at least 150 prizes and God blessed us with close to 200! We had over 500 in attendance and God changed the weather forecast from a wintry mix to sunny and warm. At 8:00 Saturday morning, the weather radar showed that we would be getting hit with the storm just before the start of the event. We saw a few flakes(snow flakes not crazy people), but we could not have asked for better weather. The kid that won the Wii ran into the field and started jumping up and down. So many people gave time, money, energy, and cookies to make this event a success. We truly impacted our community for Christ. My biggest worry had been the parking, but God took care of that as well.
4. We got an unexpected refund check from our insurance company which was a few dollars more than an expense we had coming this week! Praise the Lord!
5. My children were on their best behavior even though they got less sleep and spent most of the weekend at church. We got some of the best pics ever yesterday. They’ll be posted tomorrow.
6. I have lost a total of 10 pounds and was not consistent or wise in my eating last week. 25 more to go.
7. We will be in SC in 7 days!
8. I have not written many songs since the release of my first(and only) album,”One for the ROADYS”, in 2003. Last night, I wrote what I feel is my finest song to date so maybe album number two, “Dos y Trece”, will finally become a reality. It’s funny that I don’t even have a copy of my own album, but I know there are a few floating around somewhere.
9. God spoke to me in a familiar way and answered a prayer in a way that only He can. Now, I just have to take action.
10. My wife’s humor continues to amaze and inspire me. Drake “walked across the room” the other night to which Karen responded, “That would make Bill proud” which was a reference to Bill Hybels who wrote the book “Just Walk Across the Room”.
Now, I’ve just got to walk away from this computer.
Wet Wednesday
Hope this rain goes away before Saturday’s Easter Egg Hunt. We are expecting a HUGE crowd.
1. I want to give a shout out to my buddy Matt Smith who is getting ready to plant a church near Greensboro, NC. You can check out his current church here, his church plant here, and his blog here. Matt and his wife, Ashley, were in ministry with us in SC. They are expecting twins soon which makes me love them even more. He’s also a converted Clemson fan.
2. I am hoping to add a subscribe link to my blog which means it will make it easier for people to get updates. It also means I won’t have to update my blog on myspace and facebook.
3. I had lost 8 pounds as of Saturday, but my eating habits have been horrible this week. Gotta get back on the plan. Of course, Pastor Mike just handed me a Mountain Dew and I don’t want to waste it.
4. I remember a time in my life when I instinctively knew God’s will for my life. I can’t explain it, but that instinct is not working right now. I wonder if I’m as close to Him as I used to be, but I know that I’m closer than ever. It’s just a struggle to know what His perfect will is for me. I think some things have happened that rocked my confidence in knowing His will. I believe there are several aspects to His will. I’m sure there are more technical theological terms for these. His eternal will is the Bible. I know that no matter what I need to love my neighbor, obey the 10 commandments, etc. These are things that are constant, unchanging, and non-negotiable. Then there’s His personal will. This is what He has and wants for each of us to specifically do. It’s where He wants us to live, serve, and love. Then there is His daily will. I would call this the doors He opens any particular day for service, love, and kindness. They are often one-time chances that He gives us to share Christ with others through word and deed. Anyway, I’m not having a problem knowing all of them, but pray that my cloudy mind will become Sonny again.
5. I’ve spoken to two friends who are having rough weeks so send up some spoken prayers for these unspoken needs.
6. Karen’s birthday is next Wednesday. Send gift ideas please.
7. March Madness starts tomorrow. Check out my survey. I’m picking Kansas. No good reason. That’s just how my bracket worked out.
8. Didn’t see Obama’s speech yesterday, but I printed out the transcript. Going to read it tonight. Interested in your thoughts. I’ve already heard two different opinions on the matter.
Hope you’re having a great week. Our God is good. He has given everything we need for life and holiness. His son has given His life so that we may enjoy a full and abundant life. So, have you invited anyone to church for this weekend?