There are few things I wanted to get off my chest before I try to catch another 30 minutes of sleep.
1. If you’ve been keeping up with the Jena 6 case, I bet you haven’t heard this in the reporting.
2. A report was just released that there was a rise in teenage births. Many blame this on President Bush’s insistence on many Abstinence-only programs(just another thing people want to blame on him). Well, statistics show that 100% of teens who practice abstinence and don’t have sex do NOT get pregnant. People really believe that if we taught teens how to USE birth control then the pregnancy rates would go down. As a youth pastor of over 10 years let me clue you in on something(come in a little closer). TEENS ARE GETTING PREGNANT CAUSE THEY AINT USING NO BIRTH CONTROL!! Sorry for my grammar and yelling. It’s not that kids don’t know how to use it, they’re just choosing not to. Maybe they should show the episode of Friends where Rachel tells Ross she’s pregnant and he goes on and on about how he didn’t know condoms weren’t 100% effective. If kids won’t listen to reason then maybe they’ll listen to Ross and Rachel although…
3. They should tell the kids that if they do get pregnant then it will affect their lives a whole lot more than Rachel’s baby. Was that kid ever on the show? Nothing changed for Ross and Rachel after having a baby. The last episode, Rachel is getting on a plane to go to Paris(?). She aint got the baby. Ross aint got the baby. Who’s got the baby?! And how can any of these people afford to live in NYC without steady jobs?
4. I really believe that if you don’t make the decision early in life to wait until marriage to have sex then chances are you won’t wait. Of course, the line has always been blurred about “how far is too far?”. So, since I’m obviously not going back to bed, here are some signs you’ve gone too far…
If you’re touching anything besides their hand…you’ve gone too far.
If the door is closed(or locked)…you’ve gone too far.
If her father isn’t within a mile with a shotgun…you’ve gone too far.
If you have to stop and listen for anything…you’ve gone too far.
If the lights are off and momma aint sitting between you…you’ve gone too far.
If you can’t fit a Gideon Bible between’ve gone too far.
If you have to plan a speech to get her to do anything…you’ve gone too far(unless it involves wrestling tickets).
If you imagine anything about her that doesn’t include Jesus, your wedding DAY, or bright lights…you’ve gone too far.
Drakes awake…gotta go.
It’s Snowing Again!
Well, this ain’t Kansas. It is snowing again here in beautiful Wilmington, DE. It’s the slow fat snow not the fast small snow. Of course, the other day we had fast fat snow. It sure is fascinating to a redneck like me. Here’s what’s up:
1. Here’s something I read. I haven’t applied all of them yet, but still good advice. Again, I read Tony’s blog daily. Hopefully, these tips will help us all blog a little better.
2. OOps, now it’s fast small snow.
3. As I listen to the political discourse in this country I wonder,”Is there any civility left?” I mean from O’Reilly(who I watch) to Olbermann(who no one watches) people on both sides are mean and cruel. I think people are waiting for someone to rise above it. I think that’s what Obama set out to do. Even the ladies on “The View” have Bush-derangement syndrome. Rosie went from being the “queen of nice” to not nice at all. I’ve seen a shift though. People used to just attack Bush, but now I see more and more attacks on Christianity. Don’t take my word for it. This site does a great job of chronicling all of it. This leads me to…
4. This is old news, but I didn’t realize that Kathy Griffen said,”Suck it, Jesus” at the end of her Emmy winning speech. First, most of you don’t know this less than funny comedian. Second, she did say that her intent was to mock all the people who thank God in their acceptance speeches who obviously aren’t living it ie: 3-6 Mafia after winning an Oscar for “It’s hard out here for a pimp.” Thirdly, I’m praying that she learns to say “Jesus is Lord” in this life because she won’t have a choice in the next. Fourth, am I living my life in a way that makes Jesus look like a joke to most people?
5. Speaking of comedians, I am still trying to work up the nerve and the time to venture into Philly for open mic night at a comedy club. (This is where you send encouraging comments for me to do it.) Have you heard the story about the hurt knee, the church van, and the beer can?
6. Now we’ve got fast fat snow.
7. When a 19 year old can get an AK-47 from his stepfather’s house then something is wrong.
8. Finally, a sensible article about Clemson football.
9. Fast small snow again. Really fast.
10. Lastly, I had an accident with my Blackberry last night. It is half working so I am going through withdrawal. Plus, I’m not eligible for a new phone until April. Guess, I’ll be using a borrowed phone for a while. Hopefully, they can transfer my phone book. Got a church dinner tonight at the Shady Maple. Flounder with stuffed crab meat. It’s gonna be awesome.
Snow Day!
Well, Thursday is my day off. There was still snow on the ground from yesterday, but it was too powdery to build a snowman. Do you know how hard it is to build a snowman while 2 4 year-olds are tearing it down. So, instead we may a snow pile. Quote of the day-“Don’t ever do that again, Milena!”-Charis after Milena put a snowball down her back.
1. I’ve put the blogs I read on the side of the page. I read Perry Noble’s and Tony Morgan’s every day. I really admire those guys for their work. If anyone knows them, tell them I said hello.
2. Kudos to my friend Kerry Traynum for this story.
3. Did you hear Mitt Romney’s speech today? I didn’t, but here are some questions I would’ve asked him: Where are the gold plates? To your knowledge, how many times has Joseph Smith’s testimony of his vision been changed by him or church officials? Does the Bible stand alone or do you read it in light of the book of mormon and the pearl of great price? Saw a guy holding a sign promoting this site during a report on the speech.
4. Watch Rob Bell’s video “Everything is Spiritual” yesterday. That man is smart. Every time I hear him speak he blows my mind. He challenges me to study more and to understand the OT more.
5. Still hoping I can get on Survivor before it ends.
6. What did you guys think of the Heroes’ finale? Was Noah the shooter? Is Nikki really dead? Where do we go from here?
7. We want to see as many people as possible while we are home. Email me at to let me know what’s up. We’ll be available after the 18th.
8. Facebook groups are nothing more than online bumper stickers. It’s crazy how people join and leave groups so quickly. Just saw one called,”I’m going to see the Golden Compass because I’m not ignorant.” Well, call me ignorant.
9. Anyone got $15,000 I can have to get my Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership? I already know a few people who will get graduation invites if I get THAT degree.
10. Pray for me as there will some changes in how I fulfill my ministry responsibilities starting in January. It’s going to be a challenge, but Pastor Mike and I are on the same page and it’s going to be cool.
Whether you’ve got snow on the ground or not, I hope this finds you healthy, happy, and holy.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow
Me and Matt
It’s funny how things change. Matt Rhodes and I first spent time together on a Missions’ Trip to Toronto. It was 1997 and I had been a youth pastor for two weeks when we left South Carolina on July 15th. It was on this trip that my friendship with Matt’s youth pastor, Gary Rich, went to a deeper level. Matt, Gary, and I also went on trip’s together in 1998 and 1999 to South Dakota and Washington, DC. I don’t remember Matt and I ever having a blow up with each other, but we weren’t buddy-buddy either. I’m pretty sure I did my best to keep my distance. We were at different points in our Christian leadership development and sometimes they were like oil and water. We really did not have very much in common. I saw Matt live through Gary’s departure and two youth pastor’s after that. I think when Gary left it gave us a common bond because it was hard on both of us. He had been our mentor and there was this huge vacuum left in our lives. Then Pentecost Thursday happened. It was camp 2001 and Matt was getting ready to start college at Southern Wesleyan. That night something changed in all of us. Matt reached out to those he had been at odds with. He showed a lot of grace and humbleness and really took the high road in some of his relationships. He earned much respect from me that night. There had always been an edge to Matt, but after that night, it was gone. Matt was soon serving at a local church and became part of the district youth cabinet. He had good insight because of his involvement as a teen in district events. He became a counselor at camp and was given a greater leadership role as the years passed. Matt eventually made the decision to not go to school full-time, but to seek a ministry position. I was honored that he even asked my opinion on the matter. He became the youth pastor at Easley First Wesleyan and we began to work even more closely together as well as being part of an LDJ group together. As all of this is happening, I had gotten married and we had the twins. Many youth pastors had come and gone through the district and several others had taken a step back. Matt came at the right time to fill part of that void in the district along with some other young leaders. Somehow, Matt was becoming my right hand man just like I had been to Gary. It made sense since we lived close together. Then Deborah came along. She had just finished SWU, got a job on campus, and was helping at camp. They had known each other at school so there was a friendship between them. Crazy things happen at camp though. Even without my 1 inch think glasses I could see the chemistry between them. Matt wasn’t available and I reminded him that as a youth pastor, the relationship rules are a little different. Cheating was out and so was the quick breakup-start dating someone else routine. I can’t remember, but I hope I was a good enough friend to tell him(and Deborah) that they would be crazy not to try to work something out. Then Matt got dumped(my words not his) which gave him the all clear(Youth Pastor dating Manual: page 29-section 2: paragraph b). He and Deb had “the talk” and that was it. They grew in ministry and maturity together and my daughters and I were in their wedding just over a year ago. Our friendship grew as we shared good times(Drake’s birth) and bad times together. We worked closely on camps and conventions and were preparing for both when Karen and I decided to leave South Carolina. This was a concept foreign to all of us. That was a rough day. I told Karen what was going on and then I called Matt. The time had come to pass the torch. The summer months were spent looking back, venting, laughing, experiencing two great camps, job hunting, and packing up a house. We moved to Delaware/Pennsylvania after tearful goodbyes. Then a funny thing happened. Matt and Deborah left South Carolina too. At the end of August, he got offered a position in the Spiritual Formation Department at Wesleyan Headquarters. Just like I told him he’d be a fool to let Deb get away, I told him this job was one of those once-in-a-lifetime deals. So, Matt’s calling me about rental trucks and boxes. Now, Matt has a job that fits him great doing what he has been called to do. Now, I call him to find out what’s going on. Now, HE is the Grapevine. Now, we are brought together by our love for Christ, wives and family, church, and the fact that we are not living near our mommas anymore. That’s hard for two mommas’ boys like us. We’re further apart and yet we’re closer then we’ve ever been. Now, HE’s calling ME to set up a denominational missions trip in the Philly area. He’s hoping to come and be a part of the work that week in July almost 11 years to the day since we left on that trip to Toronto. Some things never change.
Stories of Interest
Greetings, it’s a crazy Tuesday here.
1.I got excited when I read this Report: Bowden Interviews For Razorbacks’ Vacancy.
And then this story came along Bowden spurns Arkansas to stay with Clemson.
Oh, well, I can’t win em all and neither can Tommy Bowden.
2. Tomorrow, I’ll be posting about my friendship with Matt Rhodes.
3. Don’t forget, the Mullikin homecoming tour begins on December 17th. We will be at my grandparents on the 18th and 19th, but we would love for people to come by my parents’ house to see us and the kids. Plus, National Treasure 2, on Friday the 21st in Anderson.
I can’t wait to get some nachos will jalapenos! Let me know what your plans are and if and when you want to hang out. As long as it involves Moe’s or B-B-Q.
4. Well, it’s a blistery 35 degrees today with a wind chill of 22 degrees. Why couldn’t I have gotten job offers from Florida? Just Kidding to all you Chi United patrons.
5. Speaking of Florida, we leave for Orlando 3 weeks from tomorrow.
6. Hawaii should be playing in the BCS championship game. Weak schedule or not, they’re the only team that ran the table and didn’t choke all season. Can you remember a season when no one deserves to be the champion? I said this year that this regular season served as a good playoff except that everyone got eliminated. So, now I think it’s time for a real playoff system. Washington politics and college football are very similar: controlled by big money and difficult to change.
7. The Iraq surge and the Huckabee surge seem to be working.
8. I think someone always sees it coming whatever “it” is. Make sure you’re not the one who doesn’t.
9. Whatever happened to Emergent Wesleyan? So much for that revolution.
10. Somehow, I’ve been convinced to venture into the arctic cold and go to Home Depot. BRRRRRR!
Have a Blessed Day!