- Batman Begins-hands down because it captures the essence of who Batman is perfectly. My only problem with it is the Rachel character who is nowhere in the comic. Also, Ra’s Al Ghul is not involved in his training, but a man named Ducard is. They mixed material from several sources to make a great movie. Best decision they made was deciding that if they couldn’t use a stunt man then they wouldn’t use computer graphics to create it. It’s all real. Christian Bale is Bruce Wayne. Michael Caine is Alfred. Perfect casting all around.
- Batman-I have two issues with this otherwise entertaining movie. 1. The Joker(Jack Napier) did not kill Bruce Wayne’s parents and 2. Batman doesn’t use guns and rockets like are on the Batmobile and Batwing.
- Batman Forever-Tommy Lee Jones is completely wasted in this movie while Joel Schumaker gives us a glimpse of where he’s taking the franchise…back to the look and feel of the 60’s tv show. That’s not good, but this movie was enjoyable(I saw it three times in the first 24 hours it opened in England…not planned by the way). Loved Val Kilmer as Batman.
- Batman Returns-Tim Burton went a little too dark on this one. Didn’t like Batman flaming a guy with the Batmobile’s engine, but my least favorite part is at the end when Bruce unmasks in front of Selina Kyle. I didn’t mind that he unmasked, that was cool, but he literally had to rip the mask off. Why would you make a costume that you can’t get in and out of ? If you’ve got Catwoman and Penguin, do you really need a third non-comic related villain in Max Shreck?
- Batman and Robin-They are driving on statues. They created a completely unrealistic city environment. George Clooney looks bored. Bane is disgraced. Robin is a punk. Batgirl…come on and give me a break. This one was so unrealistic that it made the realism of Batman Begins stand out even more. Arnold’s bad puns, a horrible looking Batmobile, Jesse Ventura’s cameo, Commish Gordon is a moron, and all the psychedelic colors make this a really bad movie. Uma and Elle are the only bright spots.
Now, I know you all want to know my take on what I’ve seen of The Dark Knight. Well, you have to realize that they are not making kids movies. This is going to be a “dark” film. And I think it’s going to be awesome. The trailer was amazing and the first 7 minutes clip was even better. You have to remember that the Joker is a crazy messed up individual. He is not a clown, he is a killer. Now, about this Justice League movie I’ve been hearing about…I’m hoping the rumors that it’s getting pulled this week are true.
Batman movie rumors I’m glad were false…
Fred Savage as Robin.
Kurt Russell as Batman. Dude, he’s Wyatt Earp.
Robin Williams as the Riddler.
The Frank Miller Year One script that was nothing like the comic.
Did you notice the Superman/Batman poster in I Am Legend? That’s a reference to a movie that producer Darren Aronsky(?) was supposed to make before Chris Nolan(thankfully) came along. Besides, are any of you going to tell me that Christian Bale couldn’t whip Brandon Routh’s butt? Don’t even get me started again with Superman Returns. Although, it might not get a sequel at all.
I think on number 4 you mean Batman Returns with Michael Keaton, right?
You have WAY too much time on your hands!