So far this year I’ve read the following books:
1. “Lost Moon” by JIm Lovell is the true story of Apollo 13 and is amazing. There was some stuff changed in the movie, but the book made me love the movie even more. Lots of technical jargon, but gripping nonetheless.
2. “Guilty” by Ann Coulter is typical Coulter. All of her books are filled with useful data that is often overshadowed by her acid tongue. Of course, data doesn’t sell books, but Miss Coulter sells alot of them with her unique brand of humor. If you can get past the abrashiveness, the research is astounding and jaw dropping.
3. “Bias” by Bernard Goldberg is the former CBS News correspondants take on how the media distorts the news. It really makes you think and realize, “Hey wait, I didn’t notice that, but those jokers are trying to pull a fast one on us.” Makes you want to never watch the 3 big networks news programs again because they are not trust worthy.
4. “Crazy Love” by Franchis Chen is still rocking my mind and soul. A must read for any Christian.
5. “The Big Bam” by Leigh Montville is the story of Babe Ruth. He was a man of excess to say the least who liked everything in large quantities from homeruns to food to women. I thought he won more World Series titles than he did and the true story of the trade from Boston to New York makes you believe that the Red Sox deserved every bit of the curse.
Here are the books I’m working on now:
1. “The Way Things Ought to Be” by Rush Limbaugh is his first book from 1992-93. I’m reading it to see if he was right or not and how much has changed in the past 15 years.
2. “The Last Days of John Lennon” by his former assistant recounts life in the Dakota and tragic end of one of music’s greatest legends. It is a sad book so far because for a man that had everything, he didn’t.
3. “Playing for Keeps” by David Haberstalm is about Michael Jordan affect on basketball and the world. Will we ever see another athelete like him?
4. “Fleeced” by Dick Morris is the former Clinton advisor’s take on what’s coming from the Obama administration. He does not paint a rosy picture of the current American political scene. Morris is having a great “second act” and has a great political mind. Bill Clinton might not have won anything without him. Morris made some poor choices which cost him his politcal career, but there’s always room in the media for one more talking head.
Why all the reading you ask? I just love going to the library everyday and getting a book or some movies. It’s free(well our taxes pay for it), it’s right across from the girls’ school, and I feel like I’m making up for not reading enough(not counting comics) earlier.
What are you folks reading?
I just started “The Barbarian Way” and I’m re-reading “The Screwtape Letters”. Our ladies Bible Study is starting a series on spiritual warfare and I thought who better to shed some more light on the subject than Mr. Lewis? Also, I’ve heard Barbarian Way is really good and Matt hasn’t read it yet. I believe it’s the copy you gave him. Kiss the kiddos from Aunt Deb and tell Karen hello.