Enjoyed Cody’s post on the Daniel Fast. Gonna talk to Karen about it and try to start it soon.
Put the Saddleback Presidential Forum on DVD. Enjoyed it and thought there was a definite contrast in the worldviews of the two candidates. Been thinking and praying a lot about this election. I am currently “unaffiliated” as my NC Voters Registration card says. I just think that if a guy who had only had a job for a few years(and had spent most of that time trying to get another job and missing lots of work) all of sudden wanted to run the company that he would be laughed at in the business world. Do politicians do anything but talk? Think about it: they give speeches, debate the issues, ask questions during congressional hearings and committee meetings, talk to potential voters, discuss strategy with their advisers, and vote on bills after explaining why they voted the way they did. With that in mind, is it any wonder that a politician who doesn’t speak well, George W. Bush, is vilified by many while a politician who speaks very well(when a teleprompter or notes are umm…uhh…handy), Barack Obama is hailed as the agent of change our country is desperate for?
I’m sorry to hear that Bigfoot was a fake. Clark Camp once told me,”There ain’t but one Sasquatch…”
Madden 09 is not a lot different from Madden 08. Pastor Mike used to enjoy blowing me out everyday with the Panthers. Nothing beats playing Madden after a staff meeting.
Looks like I need to find our copies of “Bringing Up Boys” and “Dare to Discipline” because the Drake is going through quite a phase here. But any 18 month old son who says “Bye” and “Five(for a high five)” when I leave is hard to do anything to but tickle and watch sports with.
Preaching on the Holy Spirit tonight…be in prayer and also for the Lock-In(which I’m waiting for word from Doug Fields that they’ve been banned) this Friday night!
Hey man! Hope you’re doing well.
Natalie and I are reading a book right now that is amazing. It’s called “Shepherding a Child’s Heart” by Tedd Tripp. Go purchase it! It talks a lot about discipline and how correcting behavior starts with what’s in their heart (Mk 7:21; Lk 6:45). It’s all fresh to us since we’re justing starting out as parents, but this book totally goes against the grain of culture and finds a biblical definition of parenting.
It says that the point of discipline is to get them to obey God, not their parents. Getting them to honor and obey mom and dad really is to get them to honor and obey God, since he’s the one who gave the commandment. It’s real eye-opening and worth the read.
Hope you’re doing well. Give me a call sometime!