Hey, what’s up everybody? Here’s how God has been blessing our family:
1. A lady at church has been slipping me money every week. She said God told her to do it and she didn’t want to embarress me, and I told her I was humbled to be a part of what God was doing in her life. It’s always come just when we need it.
2. We haven’t had to buy groceries since the week before Thanksgiving. We’ve gotten about 5 boxes of stuff from people at church although a rat ate our sweet potatoes. Oh, he’ll meet his end this week. Friday we got an unexpected HUGE box of Fruit Loops and today we got a gallon of milk.
3. A door is open for us to move into a smaller place for much cheaper. We are praying about it, but our experience at our house hasn’t been the best. The landlord has changed the deal a couple of times so we are praying for wisdom.
4. Basically, the only door God has left open is the one where he takes care of everything. Now, when you ask God to meet your needs that may mean you buy $3 of gas at a time, but you never run out.
5. I am at a point in my journey of thinking deeply about faith and action. I ask and trust God to meet our needs, but what is my part? I don’t want to be lazy, but I also want to be in step with God. I get caught up sometimes in thinking so much about what to do and the next step that I forget to be. Seems to me that’s why God made the Sabbath. I’m pretty sure that’s the commandment Christians break the most. It makes sense that in the moments I am focused on “being” that God will direct my “doing.”
6. A man at church recently got an Archeological Study Bible. I looked at and commented how awesome it was and how I had been researching a lot of Old Testament history. This morning, he gave me the Bible. I was speechless(and now you’re speechless that I could ever be speechless). Think God wants me to study His word more?
7. God has blessed our church financially recently after some lean months.
8. Karen had to get two prescriptions for the kids while in Ohio for Thanksgiving. They were both free with our insurance. God rocks!
9. He has shown me ways we can cut our spending tremendously each month. That, plus the apartment possibility would make it possible for Karen to continue to stay home with the kids.
10. I find it strange that I trust that God healed Karen yet I struggle to trust Him with the daily small things. Maybe it’s just me. If He can take care of Huntington’s disease then knocking out the rent shouldn’t be too hard.
I don’t know where you’re at, what you’re struggling with, what your needs are. I hope this has been an encouragement to you. We serve a great God. He does what He does because He can and He loves us. He doesn’t want us to jump through hoops. He wants us to be aware that it’s not some game of cosmic chance when good things come our way. There’s not a “Secret.” It’s just Him being I AM.
Keep up the good posts. You have been a great encouragement to me lately!