1. Karen took the kids for a haircut yesterday. I’ve got the cutest kids in the world. There’s no contest. I swear Drake gets cuter everyday. I am striving as a father to treat all 3 of them as individuals and not always group the girls together. So, I’m making an effort to have date days with each of them this week. Karen took them to see Nim’s Island yesterday.
2. It’s amazing what God has been revealing to me recently. He is helping me understand so many things about His will, His love and protection for us. If only He would reveal where He wants us to go…
3. We live in the wealthiest country in the history of the world…and young men can’t afford belts to keep their pants up while many young women can only afford half a shirt. Weird.
4. I didn’t make People’s list of the most beautiful people in the world. One list I did make was this one. I’ve also added Mark Wilson’s blog, Revitalize Your Church. He’s the Wesleyan version of Tony Morgan. He has excellent posts and insights.
5. The Atlanta Hawks had a great series against the Celtics. They actually had some sellouts at Philips Arena. Hope they know that people paid to see the Celtics although the Hawks have put together a nice roster. If only they had taken Chris Paul instead of Marvin Williams. Can you imagine of backcourt of Joe Johnson and Paul? Think Boston and Phoenix regret letting Johnson go?
6. Is it really May 6? Dat gum.
7. Check out nceyouth.com-That’s the camp I’ll be speaking at next month.
Dudes, I’m heading to study at Starbucks-peace!