Well, a few things didn’t work out like I had hoped they would. It doesn’t really affect me, but still a little disappointed for some friends. Anyway…
1. How bout Jon Lester pitching a no-hitter for the Red Sox last night? If only he had done it in Baltimore last Wednesday!
2. We leave in the morning for North Carolina. Pray for safe travel, clear direction(literally and spiritually), and for a good weekend interview.
3. Can’t wait to see some SC people on Sunday and Monday!
4. I’m sorry, but I still love watching wrestling.
5. Still waiting for some pastors to call me back…reminds me of the Seinfeld scene where Keith Hernandez hasn’t called him back and he says,”What , are there no phone where you live? Pick up a phone! That’s it, I’m done with these men.”
6. I still don’t believe the puppet story although Kris, Nate, and Bryan have confirmed it.
7. Had a dream that Clemson will start 0-2 in football this season. Folks, we ain’t never getting rid of Tommy Bowden. Here’s to another 8 or 9 win season with a disappointing bowl loss.
8. Performed the sad task of moving all my files and bookmarks off of the church laptop yesterday. Kinda had deja vu from last year. I’m just praying I did the Itunes library correctly. Luckily, I have an external hard drive and didn’t have to use 54 Cd’s.
9. Mom, if you’re reading this, can you work up some homemade mac and cheese for Monday? Or anything off a grill.
10. Not sure how often I will get to post the rest of the week so I want to express my thanks to all those who have served our country and paid the ultimate price for our freedom. They have a courage that I can only dream about having.