Well, yesterday I was helping out at the pumpkin patch at Victory Mountain Camp. It was a lot of fun.
1. Mike Singletary is my new favorite coach. He’s got a lot of Ditka in him. I did feel bad for him when a reporter asked him at halftime if he had spoken to his mentor Bill Walsh when he was hired as the 49ers coach last week. Two problems-Walsh is dead and was not Singletary’s(a lifelong Chicago Bear) mentor. It was a very uncomfortable moment for both-so much so that you can’t find the video anywhere on the internet now. However, you can see his post-game tirade here.
2. Saw the trailer for this movie last night. Looks like a must see-for me at least.
3. Bad news-I’m two games back in the playoff race in my SWU Fantasy Football league. The good news-I’ve scored more points than both teams in front of me so all I have to do is catch them.
4. HEROES gets better and better by the week. It’s cool how they can have flash back and flash forward episodes that add to the plot without jumbling it up. Told a buddy that we won’t have all the answers until the very last episode. That’s what keeps us tuning in every week.
5. Much has been made of the decision to try to play game 5 of the World Series in the rain Monday night. To me, baseball is kind of unfair in the sense that 75% or more of it’s season is played in summer type weather and then the most important games are often played in brutal cold and conditions. This can be an unfair advantage for some teams and regretably makes many fans long for more domed baseball stadiums. Of course, you can have 10 years of great World Series weather and then one game blows that all away. Of course, Bud Selig is not the greatest example of superb decision making either.
6. Anyone have any good experience making requests from local and large businesses?
7. I had a really bad dream last night that the next Batman movie came out and it was only an hour and a half long and was terrible. I remember thinking in the dream-“Oh this can’t be right. They wouldn’t do this. I must be dreaming.” Also dreamed that I was somehow playing a Mac in a praise band at a big conference, but the leader kept leaving me out of the loop so I was left playing the Mac in the back of the auditorium. I remember waking up thinking, “I’m really mad at him and he doesn’t even know it. Maybe it’s because he made me mad in a dream. That doesn’t change the fact that I’m mad at him(someone who is a dear friend). Hopefully I will sleep it off.” I guess not. I’m just glad I remembered my dreams. Means I got decent sleep. Two different dreams is a really great night’s sleep. Weird that I just thought yesterday that I hadn’t remembered a dream in a while. I’m telling you-our minds are wondrous creations.
8. If you were a parent and your child were hanging around people with Anti-American and racist views would you ground them? What if some of their aquantices had been arrested for illegal activities that they admitted too, but technicalites lead to their release? Would you let your kid go to a party where many of the guests were anti-Semitic and the guest of honor used to be the spokesman for Yassar Arafat? Would you be worried that these people would have a strong influence on your child and his/her belief’s? Wouldn’t people fitting these descriptions constitue “the wrong crowd” and therefore be the kind of people you wouldn’t want your child around? Just wondering. Here’s another thought:
In response to #8 I had a conversation with someone about the very topic last night. He’s working down in the mines in Tasmania.
I was also wondering if it had anything to do with the recent accusations of Obama and this PLO guy? Just curious if that was part of your thought pattern?
I’m like you I have to tell people I just don’t know enough about the guy…something are still too much of a mystery to me.
Hope all is well.