Gotta make this quick…
1. Placed third in the pastors golf tourney Monday with Kris, Philip, and Tuggle. Golf is so addictive. All is takes is one good shot to make you think you can get better. Right now, I just hope my body feels better because I am sore.
2. I hate magazine where it’s impossible to find the table of contents. I picked up a mag in Wal-Mart today and just gave up. I couldn’t tell if the TOC was before the 103 ads or after them. By then I had forgotten why I picked it up in the first place.
3. For a long time churches have done a good job of turning sanctuaries into auditoriums. Now, with a new wave of church planting, churches are doing a good job of turning auditoriums, theaters, and cafeterias into sanctuaries.
4. Go to to find out what you can do about the big bailout.
5. I just finished reading “Seven habits of highly effective people” and it was great. Now, I’m working on “The Millionaires” which is a novel by a guy who writes comics sometimes. I also picked up Rob Bell’s newest book. I love his writing style.
6. Red Sox start the playoffs tonight against the Angels. We have owned them in the playoffs since 1986. Hopefully, our guys get healthy and that trend continues.
7. I am going to beat a girl…in fantasy football this weekend. Deb’s undefeated streak comes to a close against the Denton Diaper Dandys.
8. I’m exciting about the changes in my life and ministry and know more are still to come. God is molding me into His image and I like it.
9. I hear a lot of short jokes. I wish people would come up with new short jokes. I make a lot of situational short jokes, but I really think some people are being mean about it deep down. I have faced discrimination for being short, but I’d rather face that than have to hear, “Stand up, Heath” one more time. I think deep down I just don’t like unoriginality.
10. So much for making this quick…or short.
As I’m sure you already know, the Phillies won tonight and are on their way to the world series!!!
It is our time so don’t get too excited about the Red Sox. I wouldn’t want you to be disappointed.