Here’s where’s my brain’s at today:
1. Clemson is undefeated in basketball. If Oliver Purnell gets fired before Tommy Bowden then that would be an injustice. He’s really building a consistent program and has some quality wins over the last few years. What’s the difference between the NIT and the Champs Sports/Humanitarian Bowl?
2. If anyone has extra tickets to the Penn/UNC game in Philly next Tuesday night then Adam and I would like to go.
3. Working on two things for the blog: Ads and links to the blogs that I read. Checking on the validity of the ad program. Sounds too good to be true.
4. Still wrapping my head around Rob Bell’s thoughts from the other night. I am at a crossroads of choice. I see what I want me and my family to become, but am I willing to lead us there. Am I willing to be counter-cultural? Am I willing to let go of the things of this world to take hold of something(or someONE) “out of this world?”
5. Pray for me as I work on Setapart stuff this week.
6. I want to give praise to the Lord for healing my ear. Before we left South Carolina I had experience several months of ringing in my right ear. It wasn’t constant, but it was frequent. It often was occumpanied by dizzy spells. I noticed the other day that my ear hadn’t been ringing for a while. I just want to give God some props for working it out for me.
7. “I’d rather be broke than broken.”
8. The invite is out for anyone who wants to go see National Treasure 2 on Friday, December 21st. We’ll be in town on the 17th so we’re looking to hook up with family and friends. Nothing makes me homesick like Hootie’s “Not even the trees.”
9. Is anyone else wondering what Peter and Nathan Petrelli’s father’s role was in the “company” and why we’ve never seen a clear shot of his face in the picture we’ve been seeing? Is anyone else disappointed with the early season finale? Next episode will be amazing. Lots of questions left to be answered. Either Nathan, Adam, or Claire is gonna lose their head over the whole thing.
10. How many people’s desk calendars are up to date? You know those little trivia, ESPN, far side calendars. Most unused Christmas gifts ever.
Have a great day.
i am wondering if it is a season finale or a series finale. as awesome as it is i do not know if they can continue it.