Okay, here’s what happened in the last few days.
1. May Rally was awesome. Great to be with the East youth and Josh LeRoy did a great job. God has challenged me to let go of some things(DVD’s), help a friend in need, and have a challenging conversation with another. As of this minute I am 1-3 although my friend is still in need. The other two I hope to get to this week. Where’s the best and fastest place to sell DVD’s?
2. Josh LeRoy and I had a great conversation about a man in his community. Josh referred to this man as a hustler. He had spent time in prison, was recently shot, and basically just “hustles” people to get by. I did not take this to mean that he was doing anything illegal from the way Josh spoke of him. My only question was, “Is hustler really a good name for him and what he’s doing?” Seems to me that if someone really hustled then hustling would be unneccesary, but, technically, they would still be a hustler. No one has ever accused a hustler of actually hustling. My coaches always told me I never hustled enough. Oh, I beg to differ.
3. Just finished reading Rob Bell’s new book “God wants to save Christians.” Go buy it right now. I love all his work. God uses it to really kick my butt and get my mind in gear. This book amazed me in the way it was critical of some things our country does without sounding un-patriotic and partisan. Rob connects things in scripture that blow me away every time. He’s got two DVD’s out: Everything is Spiritual and The Gods aren’t angry. I’ve seen one on DVD and one live. Both amazing.
4. I heard from several of you on the write a book/standup comedy question. I am printing off info from Wesleyan Publishing House as we speak on submitting a book proposal. It will incorporate some of my standup material. Lots of work to be done before next week. Thanks for your encouragement.
5. Did I mention that the Red Sox won? There is the potential of a Dodgers-Red Sox World Series matchup. Now as I’ve mentioned before, I am no Manny hater. That trade has worked out great for both teams as Jason Bay scored the game and series winning run(and got his hand spiked in the process) last night. Such a matchup, to me, would only further Manny’s legend as he would then before the first $20 million man to lead 2 teams to the World Series. How many great players can say that? I was surprised by the Red Sox celebration last night. I guess it was deserved since they beat the best team in the AL and were the underdogs record wise. Sure would be nice to see them win the whole thing at home for a change.
6. Today is going to be a great day. Hope yours is too. If you haven’t registered to vote…better luck next time because you missed the deadline.
Correction my friend – the deadline to register is this Friday, October 10 (just did an article on it in this week’s newspaper). AND…you can actually still vote at the One-Stop voting sites if you register in person…it’s more complicated but possible.
Love your blog – read it “religiously”!
Like the new format man…very slick.