Here’s a scenario that I want you to think about. The US has been giving billions of dollars to failing banks. Some have been steadied by this and some have not. There is a lot of talk of nationalizing the banks which would bring them all under the govt.’s control. So, then every American with a bank account would essentially be using the same bank, the govt. one. Thanks to folks like Dave Ramsey, many people are using cash more and more. If the govt. owns the bank(and your debit card) then they can track all of your purchases. That’s handy information. So, what if they told us we couldn’t use cash anymore because there was no way to trace the transactions and due to national security, we need to know this information. Then you would need the govt. issued debit card to make all your purchases. Those who tried to get around this may be viewed as terrorists and would need to be dealt with. Seems like I read something in the Bible about all of this. Once one nation took over all the banks, how long would it be before other nations followed suit, and hey! wouldn’t it be easier for us just to have one world-wide bank? Now, do we need to start preaching from the pulpit that the end is near? Nope, but we better be watching the news.
Here’s another one for you. In the next few years, 2 things are going to happen. Fewer people will actually be paying taxes while more people will be relying on govt. aid to live and survive. Today, the White House is trying to rest control of the census from the Commerce Dept. Why is that important? The Commerece Dept. wants to count actual people(which is what a census it) and actually go door to door to accomplish this. The White House wants to use statistical models and analysis to determine the numbers for the census. Why is that important? Because the census is used to draw congressional lines. The data is used to determine where districts will be. This has major implications on how election campaigns are waged and which candidates win. It would like the NCAA tournament committee only including people from the ACC. Think that would give an unfair advantage to the teams from the ACC (although some may think that already happens) through high seeding and undeserving teams getting in? It would stack the deck in favor of one party which in this case would be the party in the White House. So, we have a huge budget deficit so eventually some things are going to have be cut. You’ve got half the country paying taxes and the other half relying on the services provided by those taxes(more like 60-40). So now, some politician comes along and they’ve got to cut your benefits(medicare, social security, unemployment, etc.) because the govt. can’t afford to pay them anymore. They won’t eliminate the benefits, but they will have to reduce them or not increase them yearly at the current rate of inflation. So, you’ve got district lines drawn to favor one party and the other party is trying to cut people’s benefits to try and balance the budget. Pretty soon, it’s one party rule. Then that vote to nationalize the banks isn’t so close. Then, Bank of America really is BANK of AMERICA. Yeah, all of this is confusing. Confusing enough that people won’t even care when it happens. Now, my head is hurting so have a great weekend.
Very interesting post. I like the nationalization of banks tie in with biblical eschatology. That was definitely well thought out.