One of the goals of this site is to introduce people to Jesus Christ. I believe that it is only through a relationship with him that we can truly discover who we were created to be. For people who “don’t go for that sort of thing” or are looking for other ways to find fulfillment the resources here will still be helpful to you. However, if you’re here and you’re searching for something more than this life has handed you-welcome to the Revolution. Purpose begins when we realize and recognize that “we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.(Ephesians 2:10, NIV) You will never find peace, joy, and contentment if you are not pursuing these things. So, what does that even mean? Have a relationship with Jesus? Where does this dude live? Dr. Martin Labar does a better job than me explaining all of this in his “How to be Saved” post. Dr. Labar is a retired professor from Southern Wesleyan University where he taught in the Science department. He is a true man of faith with a dry wit and an encouraging spirit. He was “chasing his lion” before it was even cool.